Mini Mailer Submission Guidelines

To make sure your letters are in a perfect format

Vidya Kasarla
Mini Mailer
4 min readJun 17, 2021


Photo by Castorly Stock from Pexels

Welcome Penfriends!

I’m your postie, who delivers your letters posted in our Mini Mailer to this bright world.

At Mini Mailer, we express our love and gratitude to our favorite characters, books, authors, or little mundane things that make our life worth living, through letters.

You can know more about Mini Mailer here.

Love our publication? Join us!

Below are a few tips for you to make sure your letter is in line with our theme!

Before submitting, you may want to go through Medium guidelines.


Titles must be in the form of ‘Dear [Subject]’

Format titles and sub-titles with Big ‘T’ and small ‘T’ respectively from the toolbox.

Image by Author


Make sure to attach at least one high-quality image which is relevant to your letter. Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay are always there to help you out. Attribute images with the proper source name. If you are using your photos, credit the source as Image by Author.

Image by Author

Textual Content

  • Make sure your letter is error-free — Spellings and grammar — before you submit it. Grammarly, a free tool is at our rescue. Medium even has a Grammarly extension, check it out!
  • Keep your letters at 2–3 min long.
  • Add a perfect amount of personal experiences in the letter — Never turn the entire letter into a personal one.
  • All the Affiliated links should be properly disclosed


Make sure to include ‘Letters’ as one of the tags.

Call-To-Action (CTA)

Writers are free to promote but all calls-to-action combined are not to exceed 20% of the total story length.

You can check out more editing tips and tricks here.

Are you ready to post your letter?

Only consider submitting your article if you answer ‘yes’ to each of these questions.

Is my article the right fit for Mini Mailer?

As much as we love letters from a unique first-hand experience, we cannot publish them. For example, ‘ Dear Mom, thank you’ would be more suited to a different publication due to the subject being someone specific in your personal life, whom only you know; whereas ‘Dear Moms, thank you’ is applicable to mothers everywhere. We only publish content that is generalisable and has broad appeal to our readers. Mini Mailer does not publish any self-promotional content.

Is it clear, coherent and have little to no grammatical errors?

At Mini Mailer, there is a specific quality of writing that our editors look for before publishing. Consider installing Grammarly or its chrome extension to assist you with your article whilst making our lives a lot easier at the same time, two birds with one stone!

Is it an unpublished draft? If you’ve already published your story in another publication or you’ve self-published it then we won’t be able to accept it; this ensures stories gain the most exposure possible. Submissions must be original and previously unpublished elsewhere. Stories that are published by accident may not be deleted and resubmitted; that is a violation of Medium’s rules on duplicate content. Though feel free to promote your writing after your letter has been published.

Does my letter give good vibes?

We’re looking for positive pieces that will leave our readers feeling inspired. While we do accept stories that point out an issue, your letter should also aim to tackle that problem. We’re not asking for toxic positivity but we do want to spread our positive energy.

How to submit

Here is how you post your letter to our mailbox.

Click on the 3 dots on the top right corner, next to your profile picture. Select ‘Add to publication’, and then check on Mini Mailer.

Image by Author

I am because We are

Quoting the African philosophy of Ubuntu — There is no I if there is no we. We need to build each other. We are in this publication together. Let us encourage each other’s work.

I promise to make this journey as enjoyable as possible. There are more things on the way, can’t wait to share my ideas with you.

I feel so thankful for being your editor. Let’s connect and make this place awesome!

Below are a few stories for your reference.


If you have any issues, feedback or concerns, feel free to contact us at

Lots of love,
Vidya, Thasanya and Vashni AKA the editors

