Mini Mailer’s January Prompt

Dear Celebration

Faith Stories
Mini Mailer


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Hello Posties,

We are two weeks into the first month of 2023. How is everyone doing? Is your New Year spirits still high, low or somewhere in the middle?

To many, January is the month of returning to work or school, creating new goals and being focused. With that in mind, I wanted to lighten the mood a little with this month’s prompt:

Dear celebration, this is what you look like to me.

Sometimes, we need a little reminder of the celebration awaiting us after hard work and discipline. This letter is just that, a little reminder to you of the way you celebrate and how you will celebrate when you hit the goal you are working to accomplish.

Here’s my take on the prompt:

I look forward to reading the ways you celebrate!

December’s Letters

Also, check out these wonderful letters from last month’s prompt from our writers Stefan Grieve & Ankit Bhandari:

