Monthiversary Special

Meet and greet your penfriends

Vidya Kasarla
Mini Mailer
9 min readJul 11, 2021


Photo by Alasdair Elmes on Unsplash

Dear Penfriends,

Many congratulations to you! It’s our Monthiversary.

In first, I would like to thank each one of you for your amazing contribution to this publication. Big hugs from my side. If I can parcel if gratitude, and love, I will fill every inch of the house with them, right now. Since I cannot, let’s explore other ways.

It has just been a month, and I made some super amazing friends. And I am sure I have made a deal for a lifetime. I always believe in ‘I am because we are’ — the African philosophy of Ubuntu. Without you, there is no Mini Mailer. With you, there is me. With you, there is happiness and love.

Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do (hey)

With ‘Happy’ song setting our mood, let me Introduce you to our Penfriends:

Disclaimer: We are currently introducing our writers(In no particular order) whose stories are published in Mini Mailer. New writers will be introduced tentatively, as their letters take a place on our wall.

Raji Pillay

In Raji’s words: “I have a part of me figured out in the almost 4 decades in this reality. And I am on a journey to figure out who else I am.The figured out part of me works in tech, worships books, is an extrovert, a bit of a badass and a mix of people pleasing tendencies, ambitious and shedding conditioned layers one at a time.

Your letter to books is a perfect start for any publication (and especially for this). As Mr. Darcy says, “I love, love, love it.”

Good luck with your Cryptocurrency publication. I always look forward to your articles; I love to learn more about Crypto (no kidding).

Sujona Chatterjee

Sujona Chatterjee lives in Mumbai and loves food, Harry Potter and Mumbai rains. When taking a break from the daily routine, you will find her writing poems on her phone or wondering which book to read next.

Wish I could live inside your head for a day(or more) — tell me if you have any free passes, okay. How do you get such ideas? Seriously? Letter to MS Word? Loved it.


In Smriti’s words: “I write poems and articles which are relatable to introverts like me. A Blogger since high school, wattpader since college, I consider writing as a medium to vent my emotions and thoughts which often go unsaid and unheard.

I hope you are working on your dreams. Thank you for the tips on cooking, they help me — a tip or two. Good Luck.

Ananna Dristy

In Dristy’s words : “ I am not much of a talker. So, I pour down everything — my thoughts, my emotions — in my writings. I believe a writer is a writer not because she can write well and has amazing talent; but because when there is no hope, she still keeps on writing. Fill your paper with the breathing of your heart!

21st century Anne Frank? Sorry if you don’t wish to be compared to, but what to do? Your letters, your love for your diary, and your articles are so Anne :D This is how I remember you!

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Vidya Sury quit her almost two-decade corporate career in sales/marketing to work from home after her son was born. She enjoys being her own boss and also showing her diabetes who’s boss. She has six active blogs but Vidya Sury Collecting Smiles is a good place to start. She’s always asking: Did you smile today?

Yes, I smiled today. Once.. twice.. no, a thousand times? Crap, I lost the count. Is that okay, Vidya? Also, how’s your date with coffee today?

I am practicing your chocolate meditation recently, but my mom is so concerned about my meditation frequency that she ordered me to do brushing meditation immediately after chocolate Meditation. Now, I’m stuck in a loop of two meditations :P. So many meditations(even in this paragraph), Phew!

Kevin E. Pattick Jr

Kevin Pittack is a writer of poetry, with a melancholic mind and a romantic heart.

If Twilight was a person, I’m sure she would outright have proposed to you. That is one letter. You are indeed romantic at heart. And yes, I love your poems. Keep them rolling.


Rumi is a reader first and a writer next. She got sucked into the “Cosmere” rabbit hole last year and has been staying there ever since.

Your letter to summer: that is something. Honest. Let me know where you are heading this summer. I’ll join you. I am sure you’ll select a perfect gateway — meanwhile, I will lay back and fan myself.


Preeti is lover of Coffee and converation. In Preeti’s words :“Traveler and a writer in the making.”

Your letter — Dear Papa, is so touching. It made me remember my childhood days, and my papa. Lots of love to you and your Papa.

Sushritha Danturi

Sushritha is a 21yo graduate, trying to make a place for herself in a world full of GOATs. She thinks of herself as a paper boat sailing in an ocean, but she knows, she will survive. She also writes sometimes.

My fellow Hufflepuff, when are we meeting Newt Scamander? Also, who taught you how to write such cute letters, Prof McGonagall? Your letter, Little things — I love it. BTW, when are we heading to Hogwarts?

Annelise Lords

Annelise Lords is a writer of Fiction and Uplifting Quotes & Antidotes.

I love how you put your life in your articles. Simple words, yet so powerful.


Brina Patel is a freelance writer from Northern California. When she isn’t typing away at her Mac, she enjoys reading, traveling, painting, and spoiling her Maltese.

I want to learn salsa(I always wanted to) and am looking for some online tutorials. Tell me, online or offline, what do you suggest? (not kidding). A big hug to Prem, he is so cute. Tell him that Aloov him.

Rachella Angel Page

In Rachella words : “Hi, I’m Rachella and I love reading, writing, crafting and creativity. I enjoy showing gratitude for the many things, people, and moments that make life wonderful.”

Joe, or Ruskin bond? Sorry if you don’t want to be compared, but I see can’t help. Pictures matched in my head!

Chigozirim Sophia Emeka

In Chigozirim’s words: “I am a poet and short story writer who accidentally started writing in Medium in April 2021. I love nature and express my thoughts in poetry.

Dear Season: Bright, beautiful and colourful. Thanks for sending warm love.

Yamin Ohmar

In Yamin’s words : “I write self-help articles on Medium which usually come from my own experiences. I love expressing my feelings and also love writing fiction.”

Dear breath: such an Interactive letter it is. Even my nose seemed to follow while my brain read. I love it.

Alyssa Chua

Alyssa is an event planner by day and freelance writer by night. She loves reading books, watching TV series, and exploring new places by traveling the world.

Dear Grief: something I admire. I loved it — Love at first sight ;)

Kit Campoy

In Kit’s words: “Leader of 50 people and one dog. I travel somewhere new every year. I write about leadership, travel, dogs, and Gen.X.

Thanks to corona, I almost forgot what and how to pack for my trip (not that I’m great at it anyway), and had been sulking the whole time when I had to, for my recent trip. But your recent article on that I read few days prior to my trip really helped me a lot, and I’m not kidding.

A big hug from me to your dog.


In Kavya’s words: “I a software developer. I love reading and of late I have been trying to replicate the magic of words through writing. I mostly write about my reflections of the world, and muse upon my experiences.

Hey, how are clouds? I think of your article while I gaze into the sky. Also, we are 1D buddies, right?

The Orange Gildersleeve

The Orange Gildersleeve writes about sports, love, poetry, and other interesting topics, all for the readers!

Firstly, congratulations on achieving milestones on Medium. I wish you all the success. I have little to no idea about Basketball, you see. I am trying to learn things. Once done, I’m eager to read your articles.

Felishia La-Shae

In Felishia’s words : “I’m an aspiring writer living life with my two cats at the moment. I’m spending a large portion of my time working on bettering myself and creating a happier life all at the same time!

Your letter, Dear Depression: Deep, raw, and wonderful. A Letter that everyone SHOULD read. I revere it. Thank you so much for choosing our publication to share this.

Also, even I am obsessed with stickers, pens and all things related. Lots of love. Buddies ❤

Thasanya Jayasumana

In Thasanya’s words : “I digest life in bite-sized pieces through the lens of clichés, quotes & “truisms”. Medium is where my random thoughts go to become words.”

Next letter? Let me guess, to Amygdala… Nah, cerebrum, cerebellum?(Kidding, though). Lots of wishes and love from my end, Future Neuroscientist.

Fatima Martinez

In Fatima’s words: “I’m a Mexican fashion designer, sustainability lover, learner, bit of a know it all, I enjoy to write about fashion and dreams, and I love my morning coffee.

Hey Fa, success is on its way to you. It just ringed me to say this. Shh.. It will surprise you. I hope you are keeping your spirits up. Lots of love my end.

Ankit Bandhari

In Ankit’s words: “I am a scientist by profession, and a writer by passion. I love playing with words and dabbling with ideas related to life, philosophy, thoughts, science and everything this chaotic existence has to offer.

A scientist and writer contemplating and thanking time. Mm.. something out there! Are we have a time machine sooner rather than later? Something we should know?

Siham Sarawat

In Siham’s words: “I am a writer who thinks with no barriers and writes with heart and soul.

We loved how you compared your Uni with Hogwarts. A perfect Potterhead. My fellow Potterhead. Lots of love.

Vashni Stories

In Vashni’s words: “ I am based in Toronto, Canada. As a writer, an aspiring librarian, and a potential filmmaker, I create inspirational content for creative changemakers all day, every day.

Vidya Kasarla

In Vidya’s words: “I am a Cybersecurity professional by day. I write or paint/Illustrate by night. Love reading books and petting plants. Sunsets and stars, paper boats, and dream catchers are few more things that make me who I am.”

Thank you, everyone, for your time. I hope you enjoy being a part of Mini Mailer as much I do. Lots of love from me, to you.


P.S. : Through words I wrote to you, I don’t intend to offend you. It is my way of showing love and gratitude.

