Национална Галерија National Gallery

Aleksandar Pulejkov
Ars — artis
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2021
Национална Галерија

Овие секвенци преземени од официјалната веб-страница на Галеријата се мотивирани да ја покажат нејзината богата и драгоцена творечка активност што изобилува со многу настани од областа на уметноста, богата колекција на оригинални уметнички дела, презентација на млади уметници и изложба на дела од исконскиот и сегашниот период испреплетени на оваа почва и воопшто од цивилизациската уметност на нашето постоење.

Посакувам доблестите што оставаат свој и неизбришлив белег да бидат поприсутни во сите области од нашето општествено и социо-културно живеење.

Скопје, 9 јануари 2021 година

Александар Пулејков

These sequences downloaded from the official website of the Gallery are motivated to show its rich and precious creative activity that abounds in many events in the field of art, a rich collection of original works of art, a presentation of young artists, and a display of works from ancient and present period interwoven on this soil and in general from the civilization art of our existence.
I wish the virtues that leave their mark and an indelible mark to be more present in all areas of our social and socio-cultural life.

Skopje January 9, 2021
Aleksandar Pulejkov

The National Gallery promotes all kinds of art manifestations. Together with the occasional presentation of particular parts of the collection, the Galley also shows exhibitions of artworks from the domestic and foreign art scene. Internationally, the National Gallery of Macedonia collaborates with renowned world centers: Vienna, Venice, Berlin, Istanbul, Dresden, Nurnberg, and others.

Multimedia Centre Mala Stanica

The Multimedia Centre “Mala Stanica”, as a newly included cultural “point” in the National Gallery of Macedonia, has a specific historical background in the structure of the modern city of Skopje, which is a characteristic way link of the different periods.

From a chronological point of view, the object is widely known as “Mala Stanica” which makes part of the more recent history of the city of Skopje, more precisely, it dates from the period between the two World Wars. Namely, in 1922 the action for building, reconstruction, and restoration of certain railway stations and other objects also included the construction of the “narrow tracks” which were supposed to connect Skopje to Ohrid and Struga, starting from the station “Gorno Skopje”, known as “Mala Stanica”, via the quarter Gjorče Petrov. In order to provide the normal functioning of “Mala Stanica” numerous auxiliary facilities were built: tool workshops, storage rooms, etc. It is one of these objects, built-in 1924, which is today known as “Mala Stanica”, and it is one of the last of that kind in this part of Skopje.

In the period after 1945, this object was used by the YNA (Yugoslav National Army), and for that reason, it was kept out of public sight for a longer period of time. After the dissolution of SFRY and the withdrawal of YNA, the object was emptied and redesigned for the promotion of cultural events, although in the period immediately after 1991 due to the lack of investments, the object could not be used in its full capacity as an appropriate “cultural center” which would house and promote the cultural life of the city.

In the period after 1994, several cultural events and projects were organized. It was the time of the initiatives for starting a “private theatre”, when the idea for a “cultural center” was promoted in “Mala Stanica”. In the period 1994–1996, the object hosted several international projects of the SOROS Centre for Contemporary Arts.

In 2003, the Ministry of Culture assumed the commitment to finish the object as a multimedia center of the National Gallery of Macedonia. From that moment on, until the official opening of the object on the 3rd of November 2005, new projects and interventions for adaptation and redesigning of the facility were made.

The interventions for interior decoration and functional adaptation of the object observed the high gallery operation standards, with an accent on the multi-functionality of the object. The present 2000m2 of the Multimedia Centre “Mala Stanica” allow the realization of high-quality museum-gallery events and complex multimedia projects which places this object among the few of that kind here.

There is another essential reason why the completion of this object was very important. Although relatively unimposing with its architecture, which resulted from its initial utilitarian function, from today’s perspective the object “Mala Stanica” makes part of a specific heritage which both here and in the world invites to an actual and committed consideration to continue its function and life. Actually, it's about engaging and putting to function the so-called “industrial heritage”, which is, according to the referential international documents and guidelines, a specific category of the cultural heritage which requires a particular treatment and usage regime.

Exhibiting showroom Daut Pašin Amam

Daut Pašin Amam is a historical monument of the Islamic culture and an excellent example of Islamic architecture. The Amam was built by Daut Paša in the second half of the 15th century. The object was originally separated into male and female departments and covered an area of 900m2. In 1948 the Amam was restored and adapted for its new function — art gallery.

Redesigning of the interior was made in 1982 and 1999.

The first permanent display at the Gallery, in 1951, included Macedonian icons (14th-19th century), copies of ancient frescoes and models of Macedonian Medieval churches, as well as artworks of the first generation of Macedonian contemporary artists before the Second World War and artists from former Yugoslavia.

The present permanent display was set in 2001, as a review of the development of Macedonian fine art from the 14th to the 20th century.

Exhibiting showroom Čifte Amam

According to the historical sources Čifte Amam was constructed in the second half of the 15th century, as a gift (dowry) from Isa Beg, covering an area of 1056m2.

Čifte Amam (Turkish baths) is composed of two almost identical departments with separate entries for men and women, which is implied in its very name “Čifte”, Turkish for “double”. The Amam was designed in the same style as all the other Islamic buildings of that time, made of bricks, stone, and mortar. Two domes set on the opposite sides of the object dominate the outline of the building, while the smaller domes top the numerous rooms.

The Amam was damaged in the earthquake of Skopje, in 1963. In 1999, the Amam was entrusted to the Art Gallery of Skopje to function as a multimedia exhibiting showroom.


