CEO Took Part In Cryptospace Moscow Conference

Petr Matyukov
2 min readDec 13, 2017


Vitaly Gumirov and Dmitry Khan took part in Cryptospace Moscow conference on December 8, 2017 in the campus of Skolkovo School of Management. It was acclaimed by the organizers as “the biggest Eastern Europe Blockchain and Cryptocurrency conference” — and it really looked so. With top crypto entrepreneurs and world’s opinion leaders among the speakers it probably was a most representative blockchain, crypto-trading and ICO-related event of the year in Russia.

“At the event we talked with Miko Matsumura, a partner at Pantera Capital Blockchain Fund, who has been enthusiastically implementing best practices of VC in crypto-community. Eduard Gurinovich, the founder of CarPrice and Mytime ICO, announced his global educational initiative. Artem Tolkachev of Deloitte spoke about trends in regulating ICO and taxation. team conducted more than twenty meetings and met new projects, among which a telemedicine startup DoctorSmart and a crypto bank Saifu. We also met our crowdsale participants, one of which — Ivan Scherbakov — gave a brilliant presentation about fundamental analysis in cryptotrading, and shared our vision of Miniapps’ further progress with special emphasis on community marketing and tokenization. Many new ICOs asked us for technical consulting of their crowdsales’ audit and smart contracts security and performance review. So that was a great event, very inspiring and motivating!”

Vitaly Gumirov with CEO Dmitry Malyanov
Vitaly Gumirov with one of token sale participants
The panel discussion on the governmental regulation of blockchain at Cryptospace.Moscow.
Vitaly Gumirov with advisor Dmitry Khan



Petr Matyukov

Co-founder KIRIK PROTOCOL , Head of innovations at Fintech Blockchain AI Machine Learning chatbots USSD. Crypto enthusiast. Chess master. Poetry.