Technological tokens are growing dynamically: the MiniApps coins are in trend

Petr Matyukov
5 min readDec 15, 2017


The AI development and implementation are one of the main recent trends. Another extremely dynamic sphere is the crypto industry. And the synergy of these two components, as it is in the MiniApps project, allows achieving really outstanding results.

This applies not only to the final result but also to additional benefits from early participation in similar AI projects. For this reason, it is better to understand the features of this crypto market segment, and also to describe the MAT and KRK token advantages.

What tokens are in trend?

It is enough to look at how the target crypto assets act on the exchanges to make sure that technological tokens are on the rise today. As an example, you can take several of the most prominent projects associating with the AI development or support.

Among them the flagship today is IOTA. This token is designed to implement the IoT concept — the “Internet of Things”. Since the beginning of December, IOTA has demonstrated an impressive quotations growth, rising from $1.3 to $5.5 on 06.12. Despite the fact that the rate correction is inevitable, let’s not forget that in early November the token cost was $ 0.5.

Such a jump in quotations by more than 100% each week occurred due to the project active development, which recently revealed new advances in the development. So, at the end of November, the IOTA team announced the release of the data blockchain-marketplace for IoT space. And as early as December 3, developers published a preview of the modeling environment with a simulation of an automobile charges decentralized network for the smart city.

The successful advancement in the final product creation, along with close attention to the project from the major players of the IT market (Microsoft, Fujitsu, etc.) gave the token a good charge for growth.

In the IoT adjacent segment another project, Streamr, is also running. It creates an economy data-flow using AI elements and aims at tokenizing data in real time.

To put it simply, Streamr plans to set up a platform for the purchase and sale of “live data” within the IoT framework. The Streamr token — DATA has just started trading on the stock exchanges — since early November 2017. And in a month DATA managed to grow by 200% — from $0.07 to $0.15. At the time of writing, its growth was continuing (+ 50% in 24 hours).

Among the other projects that maintain the AI work, YOYOW should be mentioned. This is a blockchain-ecosystem for the exchange and tokenization of various content, including development based on AI.

In early December, BitFinex added a token to the project — YOYOW. And this, as we can recall, is the world’s second-largest daily trading platform. As a result, the token quotes rushed upwards, showing an increase of more than 400%! From December 1 to 6 YOYOW has grown in price from $0.09 to $0.5.

As we can see, these assets have already yielded their token holder’s results. And this is even not mentioning that early investors expect preferences using finished products. In addition, the tokens still have theoretical preconditions for further growth. If projects continue to develop successfully creating a working business, then the demand will stimulate further capitalization growth.

The MiniApps offers

The MiniApps project is also in the wake of the current trends. Our platform belongs to the sphere of technological projects that work with AI.

The MiniApps team can already provide a working demo-version of the platform for chatbot creating, which is in the public domain. We have the necessary human resources and sufficient technical expertise to create a full-fledged product and ensure its rapid scaling.

Therefore, taking into account the current trend for the technology segment token growth, we can confidently state the high potential of the MiniApps tokens — MAT and especially KRK. Now we are preparing for the second phase of the ICO and you still have the opportunity to join the token sale.

The MAT features

The MAT token is released on the Ethereum basis and is compatible with the more advanced ERC223 standard. Each MiniApps token gives its holder the right to become a project partner. The MiniApps partners have access to special partner discounts for using the platform’s functionality.

Each token holder gets free access to the trading platform and the ability to post their authoring bots templates there. The token gives the right for a discount on attracted customers. Also, the token holder can receive additional commissions from the sale of his templates.

And although the first phase of our ICO is successfully approaching completion, we still have the bonus system! Today you can buy MAT with 8% bonus. It is a good opportunity to become a holder of a promising technological token, which is supported by the already functioning project functionality and the current business, which has about 5,000 registered customers worldwide. This is even more than the DATA-token, which grew by 50% only in the last 24 hours.

Let’s not forget about the bounty program, for which we have allocated 100,000 out of 10,000,000 MATs that participate in the Token Generation Event. In addition, we have a referral system in which each MiniApps partner can participate and get 5% of the funds raised.

The main system coin — KRK

But this is still not everything to it. During the second ICO phase, all token holders will have an excellent opportunity to profitably exchange the MAT token to our digital KRK coin.

The KRK coin will be created on a separate blockchain based on Ethereum. It can be mined and it is designed to provide tokenization of the community-marketing in the future. By purchasing tokens until December 19, you will be able to exchange MAT for KRK with a 50% bonus.

Joining the MiniApps ecosystem you get several preferences at once. You will be able to extract dividends from the MAT and KRK capitalization growth, as well as work on preferential terms with platform functionality, earning on the app creation and trading.

There is a unique opportunity in your hands to acquire one of the first technological tokens with real security and proven liquidity — the project is already working! Do not miss your chance.



Petr Matyukov

Co-founder KIRIK PROTOCOL , Head of innovations at Fintech Blockchain AI Machine Learning chatbots USSD. Crypto enthusiast. Chess master. Poetry.