Apple Developers — It’s time to quit the confirmation modals

Brian Kenny
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2015


Pre iOS9 developers had a problem. If you wanted to open a web page, you had to double check that the user wanted to perform the action as it would shove you into a different app.

To get back to where you were, you had to either open the multi-tasking app switcher or navigate back to the home screen and into the previous app.

Let’s count those steps:

  1. Tap link.
  2. Click ‘Yes’ to modal asking are you sure you want to open Safari.
  3. Double tab home button to open app switcher.
  4. Swipe back to previous app.
  5. Tap to select.

Along comes iOS9 and offers this epic feature where your signal bar becomes “Back to AppName”. Almost like another back button on a navigation controller.

Now the steps are

  1. Tap link.
  2. Tab the top left to go back to the previous screen.

It’s time for developers to now catch up with this feature. “Open Safari?” modals are now obsolete. Let’s put them to bed.



Brian Kenny

I love building products from ideas. Founder of @MiniCorpHQ