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Improve resume/profile and help protect our privacy by becoming a Mini Donkey project contributor

Tianhao Zhou
4 min readApr 5, 2020


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Mini Donkey is a platform-independent encryption app

Mini Donkey is an app that encrypts and hides messages using AES encryption and steganography.

Since Mini Donkey itself is not a service, it works with all social media apps that support sending images.


It all started when a couple of friends complained that they couldn’t send important messages to friends and families without being under surveillance due to regional restrictions.

Unfortunately, privacy-preserving services aren’t available in those regions for obvious reasons.

I thought “wow, that’s not cool”, especially in 2020 where social media has become an essential part of our lives.

After researching a few privacy-preserving messaging apps, I found:

  • They are easily blocked because they still rely on services/internet access.
  • They present heavy vendor-lockin and it’s hard to convince others to move away from popular social media platforms.

Due to the two issues above, few people end up using those apps and, as a result, privacy is wildly exposed.

Is it possible to properly address the issues above? What if there is an app that:

  • Works completely offline.
  • Attaches to any popular social media platform.

The answer I worked out was Mini Donkey and let me use two diagrams to demonstrate the main idea:

Mini Donkey hides/encrypts a message that can go through any social media platforms
Mini Donkey decrypts message that came from any social media platforms

I know you might be thinking “that’s a lot of effort to send a message”. I totally agree, but, in fact, only 1% of our communication (e.g. my password is XXX) needs this kind of encryption, so use it only as a secret weapon.

Mini Donkey focus on privacy and nothing else

To make sure Mini Donkey fulfills its purpose to protect privacy, I built it to be:

  • Open-source so that everyone can audit and improve it.
  • Ads-free to reduce distractions and focus on the mission.
  • Works 100% offline to avoid censorship.
  • Works on as many social media platforms as possible.

Achieving the goals isn’t easy, so I will need help from the community:

What can you get by contributing?

The things to get out of contributing to Mini Donkey includes but definitely not limited to:

  • Add an interesting production-grade cross-platform app to your resume.
  • Help secure privacy for people who need it.
  • Level up your Flutter skills.
  • Level up your Android/iOS dev skills.
  • Level up your GitHub Actions skills.
  • Level up your JavaScript skills.
  • Level up your Fastlane skills.
  • Hands-on project management experience.
  • Hands-on open-source contributing experience.
  • Know the open-source project workflow better.
  • Many more…

What technologies are used?

The Mini Donkey tech stack:

  • App: Flutter/Dart
  • App platform-specific integrations: Swift/Kotlin/Objective-C/JavaScript
  • App automation: Fastlane/Ruby
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions
  • Documentation: Vue.js/VuePress/JavaScript

What are some ways to contribute?

The ways to contribute include but, again, definitely not limited to:

  • Implement a feature
  • Fix a bug
  • Refactor code
  • Propose a feature
  • Report a bug
  • Add clarifying comments
  • Add documentation
  • Improve CI/CD workflows
  • Fix typos
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Triage issues
  • Clean up issues
  • And, of course, many more…

How to get involved?

To get involved in the project, please follow the steps (for more details, see the contribution guideline in the repository):

  1. Pick an issue (if the one you want to work on doesn’t exist, feel free to open one).
  2. Comment on the issue with a plan to claim ownership.
  3. Work on it.
  4. Open a pull request and make sure tests are passing.
  5. Request a review.
  6. Resolve the suggestions from the reviewer.
  7. Wait for a bit. The pull request will merge within a day.
  8. Have a cup of coffee. Hooray! You just contribute to the project!

Thanks for reading and happy hacking! ;)

If you like the idea of the Mini Donkey project, please make sure to:

