New Features in Mini Donkey v1.0.6

A faster and more accurate message composing experience

Tianhao Zhou
2 min readMar 11, 2020


Mini Donkey v1.0.6 is the first release after the alpha which focuses on improving message composing experience.

Note: for people who don’t know what Mini Donkey is, please read the introduction: Mini Donkey 101.

Image Capacity Indicator

Steganography is the practice of hiding data in images.

Every image can only carry a certain amount of data.

Without monitoring, if the image is of low resolution, the data can easily exceed the capacity of the image.

To make sure data overflowing doesn’t happen, Mini Donkey v1.0.6 introduced a real-time capacity usage indicator:

Random Carrier Image Generator

Uploading your own images have a couple of drawbacks:

  • It’s time-consuming.
  • It can compromise your privacy if certain photos are picked accidentally.

To offer a better experience, Mini Donkey v1.0.6 introduced the random carrier image generator:

Happy Hacking!

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Thanks for reading ;)

