Decluttering and slimming down your stuff — The 90/90 Rule

Clarice Quinn Taylor
3 min readMay 4, 2020


Hello readers, I am here to share with you a very important rule that helped me declutter my home and life.

Just a few years ago I was basically a hoarder. I had over 2,000 items in my home(Which is a lot for me). I had knickknacks and collectibles all over my desk and things on my shelves. My home was a complete mess and I knew that something had to change.

This is when I did a search on my computer for “How to declutter your workspace and keep things clean.” This google search popped up with a bunch of blogs and videos all about minimalism. My first thought was closer to:

“Wow, these people are crazy. Giving up all of your things just to have less? I have always wanted to have everything I’ve ever wanted.”

But then I had a second thought.

“Wait, these people can’t actually be happy with less?”

I sat there at my computer for awhile and clicked through a few videos and blogs and then it dawned on me.

“If you have less things you have more of the things that you want in your life and when you have less stuff you can enjoy the things you have more.”

I was sitting there awestruck at the idea that I could live a better and happier life if I had less crap in my home. I thought that it was an amazing idea but I was very attached to the things I had in my life and I thought that I would never be able to get rid of everything that I has collected over the years. That’s when I clicked on a video called “The 90/90 Rule”

The video explained a idea that if you have not used a item or object in your home in the last 90 days and you don’t see yourself honestly using it in the next 90 days you have permission to get rid of it and thus by this you can declutter.

I want to stress that decluttering doesn’t have to happen all at once or in one day. Take time to get rid of things and slim down the things in your home. It took me about 5 months to go from 2,000 to about 200–300 items in my home and I have made some purchases that were necessary(Like a fan for my desk because it is hot in the summer).

So, to recap.

  1. Decluttering does not have to be all at once, take your time.
  2. If you have not used a item in the last 90 days and won’t use it in the next 90, get rid of it
  3. Most of the time you can replace such items for less than $20 if you need to reintroduce them into your home.
  4. You can do this. I promise

This method has personally helped me with my productivity and has helped me stay on track with work and continues to be the basis of how I manage my day to day life.

Thanks again, Clarice

