Write For Minimalist Social

Join the publication dedicated to Social Media Marketing.


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What is Minimalist Social?

Minimalist Social is the Medium home for social media marketing content. I’ve noticed the big marketing publications are taking forever to respond to submissions, if they even respond at all. The exception is The Startup and I didn’t want to continue to bombard them with social media focused posts. So, if it’s about social media, it’s welcome here.

This publication is designed to provide relevant social media marketing information, advice and stories to founders, solopreneurs, freelancers and SMEs, so please write for this audience.

Who can write for Minimalist Social?

We’re looking for the following types of posts:

Tutorials & How-To Guides

  • Short form, actionable how-to guides (1–3 min).
  • Long form, actionable how-to guides (7+ min).

Personal Experiences

  • First person stories about your marketing-focused experience on social media platforms (not personal stories).
  • Case studies of yourself or clients.


  • Articles about new systems, features and platforms relevant to our audience.


  • We love listicles. They’re easy to write and even easier to consume.

And anything else related to social media marketing.

Publishing Guidelines

  • Currently accepting published articles from 2023 only.
  • All other articles must unpublished.


  • Does the content deliver on the promise made in the title?
  • Title: Title Case With No Full Stop?
  • Subtitle: Sentence case with a full stop.
  • Break up the text with bullets, images and quotes — it should be easily scannable.
  • You may add one call to action at the bottom of your article.

AI and Medium Based Articles

  • Please do not submit articles written by AI.
  • We will accept articles about how to succeed on Medium.

Before submitting, work through this checklist?

  • Why am I creating this? What’s my objective?
  • Why should the readers care?
  • What’s the clear lesson or takeaway message?
  • What value do you offer them?
  • Does the content deliver on the promise made in the title, subtitle and intro?

How do you apply to become a writer for Minimalist Social?

  • Drop a comment on this article stating “Please make me a writer”.



Tara Fitness 🔥 Minimalist Solopreur
Minimalist Social

Teaching you how to get leads in DMs without being a dick / Documenting my journey as a Minimalist Solopreneur