Squander | Minimalist Boy

Minimalist Boy
Minimalist Boy
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2020

Squander is the word of the 2019 holidays, everywhere I go I see people wasting money in useless junk and it makes me think.

There are no rules when it comes to pull out the wallet and buy something, people just like to fill their houses with stuff and squander.

There is no need to buy most of the things that people bought for the Christmas holidays, Christmas is just a business like any other thing related to religion.

The holidays are meant to waste money, but still, the atmosphere of the holidays is a nice atmosphere.

There are 2 types of individuals when it comes to holidays:

  1. the one who suffers because it doesn’t have the money and love.
  2. the happy individual that adapt to waste money and gets love from their family.

I belong to the first category, I really feel sick during the holidays, a lack of love and something depressing is taking over me and I can not relax for the whole holidays.

If you like me get depressed during the holidays you might want to read this article.

The Amazon Gift Card Story

If you want to know if you are a minimalist or not there are many indicators that you can consider when it comes to identifying you in this kind of person.

For me, for instance, a good indicator is that, with my online job I often win amazon gift cards, I have probably $500 in credit with amazon gift cards in my amazon account.

I swear I have no idea how to use them, I just keep accumulating gift cards when I get some for free and increase my credit in amazon without buying anything.

The more I think about something I should buy the fewer ideas I get, I 100% don’t need anything more than what I already have.

But I am sure that before I will die there will be the need to seriously buy something and I will use the gift cards to get something for free.

But I have no idea when at the current moment, I will just wait until I seriously need something without squandering money around.

The Holidays Sickness

During the holidays is no longer the same as when I was a kid, right now I get extremely sick because I have too many things to do and I feel like I am missing out on the love behind the holidays.

At the moment I have no girlfriend and not so many friends to hang out with, I am passing through another period of sadness in my life and the holidays make me even sadder.

Seeing people buying any sort of things with no reason makes me sick as well. I didn’t want any gift from my family even though my birthday is just 2 days before Christmas.

Someone gave me a pair of pants, I was not very happy about the gift since I have already pants and the person who gave me the pants got a bit mad at me.

It looks like people need to spend their money on something and that if you are not a part of the system you get excluded and treated badly.

Squander is the word that fits better the holiday seasons and if you are a sad person you might be suffering from this feeling of sadness like me.


The holidays are a period that can have different effects on people. Certain people will react with happiness meanwhile other people will float deep into depression and squandering.

If you are one of the lucky ones that get happy during the holiday’s thumb up for you, I am not, I don’t like to see people wasting money on things and on top of that trying to be happy with their families even though they are not.

This article does not make a lot of sense, my mind is very sad and destroyed for this holiday season that seems like never ends.

The best way to spend the holidays according to me is to travel and not being in the house thinking about things and wasting money on useless junk.

I am sorry if this post made you think that I weird, but honestly, these were the worst holidays of my life.

I was not feeling good for traveling and the people around me were just too focused on things that I did not enjoy to do at all.

Hopefully, now that we are in 2020 a better wind will blow in my mind and I will be able to produce better articles than this one which is just a rant of my disdain and despair.

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If it happens that you need to have a bank, here is the best bank you can have as a minimalist:

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Originally published at https://minimalistboy.com on January 3, 2020.



Minimalist Boy
Minimalist Boy

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