Building your personal GPT

MiniMe ai
MiniMe ai
Published in
6 min readJul 12, 2024

We are tired of re-prompting ChatGPT every time you start a new chat…

If you’ve used ChatGPT, you’ve likely experienced the inconvenience of having to remind it of your previous conversations or preferences every time you start a new session. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re looking for more personalized interactions that produce results quickly.

Fortunately, there’s a way to tailor ChatGPT to better suit your needs through straightforward customization options available directly on its platform. This capability enhances your experience by maintaining context and learning your preferences over time.

ChatGPT’s standard interface offers several customization options that allow you to tailor interactions according to your specific needs. These settings can significantly enhance your experience by enabling ChatGPT to remember details across sessions and adapt to your style of communication.

Here’s how you can customize your ChatGPT experience:

To begin customizing, go to your name at the top right of the ChatGPT page and choose ‘Customize ChatGPT.’ This opens up various options under two main sections:

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

Here, you can input details about your preferences, interests, and other relevant information. For example:

These modifications are designed to improve usability and satisfaction, making ChatGPT not just a tool for information but a personalized assistant capable of sustaining meaningful and context-aware conversations — every time you use it.

While the customization options available directly within ChatGPT’s interface provide a valuable level of personalization, for those looking to take customization to the next level, that is finely tuned to specific tasks and industries — GPT Builder offers a more advanced solution. This advanced tool opens up new possibilities for customization that go beyond what is achievable through the standard ChatGPT settings.

What is GPT Builder?

GPT Builder is a powerful tool provided by OpenAI that allows users to create specialized versions of ChatGPT tailored to specific needs or domains. GPT Builder enables the development of entirely custom GPT models. This capability is particularly valuable for users who require a GPT that can handle unique tasks, possess expert knowledge in a particular field, or offer a specific type of interaction.

The essence of GPT Builder lies in its flexibility and adaptability. Users can define the model’s behavior, training it with specific data sets to ensure it performs as needed. Whether you’re looking to create a GPT for educational purposes, customer support, or niche content creation, GPT Builder provides the tools necessary to craft a model that fits your exact requirements. There are various specialized GPTs that you can browse and test in the ‘Explore GPTs tab’ on ChatGPT.

How Does the GPT Builder Work?

Creating a custom GPT with GPT Builder involves several steps designed to tailor the AI to your specific requirements. We built our own personalized GPT Builder that could help us streamline our social media content creation. Our aim was to craft a tool that could churn out quick, relatable posts for our tech-savvy followers.

Start the Creation Process: You initiate by selecting “Create a GPT” at, guiding you through the initial setup where you can specify what you want your GPT to do.

Starting off, we mapped out exactly what we wanted: posts that were not only informative but also catchy enough to grab attention on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. We trained our GPT with a variety of materials, including trending AI articles and popular social media content, to ensure it captured the essence of what makes posts engaging.

Configure Your GPT: In the configuration phase, you define your GPT’s capabilities, such as web browsing or image generation, and set detailed behaviors and instructions. This includes defining how your GPT should interact, the tone it should use, and any specific knowledge it needs to have.

Customize with Data: You can enrich your GPT’s understanding by providing it with text examples, typical dialogues, or documents that help it learn the specific information related to its designated tasks.

Testing and Iteration: Once your GPT is configured, you can test its performance and make adjustments based on feedback, ensuring it meets your expectations before deployment.

Result: We finally tested our GPT by asking it to produce a copy for this blog. How do you think our AI Copywriter did?

Publish and Share: When you’re satisfied with your GPT, you can publish it, making it available for use either privately within your organization or publicly to a broader audience.

This process empowers users to create highly specialized and efficient GPTs tailored to various personal or professional needs.

For detailed guidance, you can check the full instructions on OpenAI’s help page.

Applications of Customized GPTs

1. Education Sector: Custom GPTs revolutionize the way educational content is delivered. A GPT customized for an English curriculum, for example, can automatically generate lesson plans, quizzes, and even interactive student assignments that align with educational standards. This automation frees up educators to focus more on engaging with students and less on administrative tasks.

2. Content Creation: Bloggers and journalists can use custom GPTs to streamline the initial stages of writing. These AI models can help by providing first drafts, suggesting headlines, or even generating entire articles based on defined parameters, significantly speeding up the production process.

3. Technology and Development: Developers use custom GPTs to create more intuitive user interfaces and improve user experience. For instance, a GPT can power an advanced chatbot that handles customer service inquiries, providing responses that are not only accurate but also contextually appropriate.

4. Marketing: In the marketing realm, custom GPTs are used to craft personalized campaign messages that resonate with diverse audience segments. They analyze customer data to deliver highly targeted content, improve engagement rates, and ultimately drive conversions.

These examples illustrate just a few of the many potential applications of customized GPTs, highlighting their versatility and the broad scope of their utility in various fields. Each industry can harness the power of AI to meet specific needs, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in unique ways.

However, general-purpose AIs like ChatGPT, Claude and others often lack the specificity and continuous learning needed for providing fact-checked and accurate information. These AIs excel at content writing but struggle with complex tasks.

This is where MiniMe ai excels. MiniMe creates AI agents that autonomously learn and improve, understanding the nuances of one’s expertise. Ensuring the results are accurate, provide relevant answers tailored to your needs.

For example, ChatGPT can’t give you accurate lifestyle advice but an AI twin created and trained by a health and wellness expert has the expertise to advise you based on our needs.Unlike ChatGPT, which provides generic and sometimes inaccurate responses, MiniMe is trained on specific expertise and knowledge.

Click here to learn more about MiniMe ai.

In this exploration of GPT Builder, we’ve seen its transformative potential across various domains, providing tools that personalize and enhance digital interactions. GPT Builder equips you with the capabilities to innovate and refine your digital strategies. Embrace the possibilities of GPT Builder and create tailored solutions that meet your specific needs, propelling your digital presence forward.

