Projects can now apply to distribute Shards!

Mission Control
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2024

an article by guest author “Trilara”

About one year ago, MineQuest became the first community project authorized to give out Shards as rewards. After extensive testing, the possibility to give out Shards is now open to the public. In the sense of decentralization, it is not the company behind Alien Worlds that decides how many Shards which project receives. Instead, there are four groups that currently have the authority to each distribute one million Shards to projects per month. The authors behind this article represent one of these groups, called “Trilara”.

What is Trilara?

Dacoco created five msig groups, each with distinct duties. Trilara, as one of them, has the capability to distribute one million Shards per month. This article will concentrate on what we seek in projects to receive Shards, and how you can apply. (For further information on the concept and technical specifics of the msig groups, check out the Alien Worlds documentation.)

What qualities we are seeking in applications

If you want to give out Shards, be aware that there is only a certain pool each month to be given out. As a consequence, there will be competition among the projects on who may distribute these Shards. As some kind of guideline about our criteria, here is a list of aspects we might be looking for:

  • Is your project released? We want the Shards to be used, so if your project is just an idea or not yet live, then it is too early to apply.
  • Is your project using AW-NFTs for core gameplay and / or giving a use case to TLM?
  • How is the perceived user experience, is the project useful, fun and/or showing a high degree of quality?
  • How likely is your project going to attract new users into the Alien Worlds Metaverse?
  • Is the project still being maintained and / or developed? Is the team quick to respond to requests and problems?
  • How unique is the application to the Alien Worlds Metaverse? How much long-term value will your project provide to the Alien Worlds Metaverse?
  • Is your project focused around Alien Worlds? Or are other assets and / or is other IP used in the project as well?
  • How much engagement does the project generate in the Alien Worlds community? How many unique and active players does the project service? Are there checks for the uniqueness of the players?

How to apply

If you think your project is a worthy addition to the Alien Worlds Metaverse, then don’t hesitate to apply for your project to give out Shards! Please fill out this Google Form as a start to your application process:

Please be aware that the right to distribute Shards can be revoked at any time solely at the discretion of Trilara. This decision might be based on factors such as dissatisfaction with the project’s development, concerns regarding the use of Shards, or simply due to the emergence of numerous other projects in the meantime.

