What do you think about Land Commission?

MC Author 42
Mission Control
Published in
2 min readJust now

Planets can now set a minimum commission that is applied to all mining actions on all lands of this planet. Now the question is: what should the minimum commission be?

In the early time of Alien Worlds we have seen landowners as major drivers in creating engagement and outside marketing for Alien Worlds, just to get more miners on their lands. For quite a long time now, however, we have seen landowner engagement decline. With most land types spiraling down to 0% commission, it is just not worthwhile enough for most landowners to engage in that area. If everyone would gain a guaranteed minimum commission, without a doubt we would see more landowners “fight” again to get the miners on their lands. And there is even more to the topic of minimum commission.

Your voice matters!

What aspects do you see as relevant in the context of minimum land commission? Why should it be high, why should it be low? What should be considered high, what low? Should it be the same across all planets or different? Should it be changed in small steps or all at once? What do you think would be best target value for the most long-term benefit to the Alien Worlds Metaverse as a whole?

Fill out the survey below to let us know what you think!

