How the Oldest Limited Liability Company Improved Its Processes with Minit

Minit Process Mining
Minit Process Mining
3 min readSep 5, 2019

Stora Enso is a manufacturing company providing solutions based on wood and biomass. As a manufacturer of pulp, paper, and other forest products and a leader in renewable materials, it runs operations all around the world.

Stora Enso in 2018:

Fun fact? Stora Enso’s history can be traced back to the oldest known preserved share certificate in the world (1288), suggesting the company could be the oldest limited liability company still in business today.

Why Stora Enso chose Minit Process Mining solution

When searching for a Process Mining vendor, Stora Enso managers had several criteria in mind. First and foremost, the agile approach was inevitable. In terms of product, the company was looking for a tool with fast and flat learning quickly, enabling the key stakeholders and business users to get onboard easily, while simultaneously accelerating the adoption rate.

As with any new project, the ROI calculations are a critical factor of the decision-making process, which was also true for Stora Enso. Additionally, availability and openness to listen and develop the solution together with the customer was an inevitable prerequisite for a future vendor.

By being responsive, helpful and flexible, calculating the accurate and positive numbers, and by providing the right solution, team and quick payback time, Minit ticked all the boxes for Stora Enso’s Process Mining vendor.


Challenges to be tackled

Before implementing a Process Mining solution, Stora Enso faced several business issues. The definitions of their business problems were unclear, which led to stagnation and uncertainty when trying to solve them.

As the company is using numerous ERP systems globally, the data was scattered, resulting in a reluctance to trust it. If managers don’t know where the data comes from and how they it’s gained, the insights based upon it run the risk of being irrelevant.

Since Stora Enso operates in various countries with dozens of mills running, it’s natural that each station performs the processes in their own way. Such a great deal of variants inevitably decreases the chances of any business operating in an efficient manner.

Results: How does Stora Enso utilize Minit Process Mining?

To increase the visibility and transparency of their processes, Stora Enso deployed Minit’s Process Mining solution into their daily operations. They launched the initiative within the two main robust processes, Purchase-To-Pay and Order-To-Cash.

The milestones were achieved shortly after the launch of the project. The technical start was easy and the installation only took up to 5 days, while the key users got fully on-boarded within the first 3 months.

In 6 months, initial positive results started to emerge. What are those?

With Minit Process Mining, Stora Enso managed to:

  • pinpoint the areas for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to better streamline the processes,
  • reduce process variants in all their factories and mills, leading to better harmonization and overall process efficiency,
  • question and update customer classifications, helping them revisit and improve their approach to customer service.

“Process mining with Minit has proven to be a key driver in making intelligent, day-to-day improvements, on every level. Giving our business users the power to understand, in detail, the processes they work on, without the need for expert-level data analysis knowledge, has been groundbreaking. Truly,”

Mr. Byman added.

