How to Avoid Robotic Process Automation Failures: 3 Steps to Success

Minit Process Mining
Minit Process Mining


What are the 3 key insights to apply if you don’t want your Robotic Process Automation to run into trouble?

(This is the 2nd post in a series about the latest insights on how organizations are embracing Robotics Process Automation, and where Process Mining fits in. Want to see the 1st post? Process Mining and Robotic Process Automation: The Perfect Marriage)

Before moving forward with Robotic Process Automation, it’s always good to think, analyze, and optimize first. While automating processes creates benefits, automating improperly optimized processes creates risk of failures, delays, and higher costs of RPA projects.

Deploying bots into broken processes leads to frustration and misunderstanding of the significant role RPA plays in the Digital Transformation of businesses.

As with any other project, RPA presents its own challenges. Based on the survey responses from Shared Services, companies identified multiple obstacles in running their RPA initiatives smoothly.

Source: SSON Analytics

1 Automating the Right Processes

Nearly a third (29%) of the respondents said that their processes were not mature enough or were not a fit for the RPA solution. The automation of ill-functioning processes usually multiplies the inefficiencies and flaws, making the RPA project a fiasco, rather than a blessing.

Therefore, meticulously knowing organization’s processes is the first step towards eliminating this obstacle. Process Mining provides the most fitting solution, helping organizations discover, monitor, and analyze their processes, while also providing a complete picture of processes as they run.

Thanks to Process Mining, organizations can thoroughly and responsibly choose the most suitable and most ready processes for their Robotic Process Automation initiatives.

2 Getting Everyone on Board

Insufficient change management and insufficient onboarding of key stakeholders have been reported by 23% and 21% of the respondents, respectively.

Getting the key managers and employees on board, as well as educating and informing every employee whom the change may affect, is a crucial, yet often omitted step.

Creating a dedicated project team whose only goal is to make the RPA project implementation smooth, in high quality, and on time is highly recommended. One of the key roles in such a team should be an RPA Change Manager, who overlooks the transition phase and makes sure everyone understands the why, as well as the how of the RPA initiative.

3 Searching for the Right Partner

Even though only 15% of the organizations said that the solution provider was an issue for their RPA project, it’s one of the essential decisions an organization must make to secure its quality, reliability, timelines, and successful implementation.

So, before jumping into a cooperation, take your time and run a thorough research of all the relevant Robotic Process Automation providers in the market.

(Want to know how to prepare your data for RPA success? Download our guide and find out!)

Next time, we’ll dive deeper into identifying the right automation candidates and the necessary role of Process Mining within Robotic Process Automation projects. Are you ready?

Or don’t wait and approach us right away so we can demonstrate the possibilities of the Process Mining technology within your everyday operations.

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The article was originally published on the blog.

