Minit 4.5 Is Out! Here’s a Rundown of What’s New

Minit Process Mining
Minit Process Mining
3 min readAug 1, 2019

The wait is over! You can stop biting your nails and scratching the monitors.

Just yesterday, we launched the latest version of yours truly Minit Process Mining solution. And as eager as you are to learn what’s been going on in our lab recently, we couldn’t tell you sooner.

But the time has come to lift the curtain. Enjoy!

The Only Rework Detector on the Market

We all love nice sequential processes. All edges aiming from top to bottom.

Yet, we all know the reality is completely different.

Rework is one of the most common sources of inefficiency in any business process: tasks are repeated, process returns to already executed activities. Sometimes immediately, sometimes in one, two, or even five hops. (Read the blog post on rework here)

Minit Rework Rework Detector

When analyzing unstructured processes, finding these repetitions (known as loops and self-loops) might be like Mission Impossible.

Minit 4.5 introduces a brand new set of breakthrough rework metrics AKA Rework Detector, incorporated in the visualizations that you love — process map, statistics, filters. Data focused, colorful, and transparent.

As master Yoda might have said, “Guide your fight against rework inefficiency, let our halo effects and loop highlights.”

Import Wizard’s New Spells

You have seen this before: 1, 2, 3, 4

Is it:

  • four text values (product code from master product list),
  • four whole numbers (number of packages ordered), or
  • four real numbers (purchase order amount)?

And what about blank/missing data values? What should be done with those?

Interpretation of data is crucial.

And even though Minit does its best to identify the data type for individual attributes, in the ambiguous cases, the analyst is the one to decide.

Minit 4.5 Import Wizard

The Import Wizard now gives you full control over the data types. It still detects and offers suggestions, but you can modify and correct it to your needs. You can choose from the standard set of data types:

  • String
  • Float
  • Integer
  • Duration
  • Date

…and modify their settings, either based on the selected culture, or by defining the individual parameters such as decimal point, thousands separator, etc.

You can also set default values per column (in file import as well as in SQL import), which will be used by Minit to replace any empty values in that particular column. Great, ain’t it?

Spaghetti simplified! With Collapsible Clusters

Process map/Social chart clustering was aimed to bring more control and tidiness to those sometimes-over-complex visualizations. In 4.5, we’ve added simplification as another benefit.

Minit 4.5 Collapsible Clusters

Just one click and your cluster will collapse/expand whenever needed. Statistics and metrics, of course, aggregate to accommodate the new map layout.

’Cause we do like spaghetti! Carbonara. On a plate. Not in Minit.

Минит сейчас говорит по русски

Users who need to understand, understand.

Those Other Little Wonders

  • Variant costs
    You already could analyze the financial impact of a particular process variant in the Variant Overview, by clicking the variant and observing its overall financial KPIs. But have you ever wondered which part of the variant and which individual activity has the most impact?
    You can see it now by switching the variant detail activity sequence map from performance to financial view, and find that little costly error in your process flow.
  • Bug fixes
    Not many, not important, included anyway.

Managed to read all the way here? Good! Now that you’re as happy as we are with all the new and shiny and flashy gizmos, it’s time to put it to the test.

