Recap from October Singapore Dribbble Meetup ๐Ÿ€

Hosted by Minitheory at Spacemob

Pizza Yap๐Ÿ•
Minitheory Design
4 min readDec 1, 2016


๐Ÿ‘ป Halloween is coming during the meetup!

After more than a year, Minitheory has revived the Singapore Dribbble meetup and hosted it on Wednesday, October 19th, at a new and awesome co-working space in Orchard, Spacemob.

Over 50 people attended the meetup, from designers to managers, design students and even design recruiters. Two speakers shared their design related experiences.

Cozy and cool event space in Spacemob
Our boss (standing blue shirt), founder of Minitheory is about to start the meetup! ๐ŸŽ‰

Designing UI systems

Liu Zenan, a UX Designer, talked about the process of creating a UI design system and touched on aspects of working in a team and getting stakeholders onboard. Here is the slides.

Since design systems are important nowadays in the design process as it is useful and helps align the team, product and brand for a more coherent and consistent user experience.

Cooper Workshops โ€” Whatโ€™s it like?

Mike Chen, Product Design Lead at Zendesk shared what he had learn from Cooper Workshops that he attended. He also talked about his office visits to some cool companies such as Facebook, Google and Airbnb. Attendees who asked question got some Zendesk swags too! Check out his slides here.

We love questions and we try to answer all the questions posted. Part of the reason for Dribbble Meetups is for the community to get together and learn.

All the Dribbble swags are given to every attendees, and our very own designed stickers too!

See you soon! ๐Ÿ™Œ

It was a great privilege to host the first 2016 Dribbble meetup and gather the Singapore Dribbble community in one place. We talked about whatโ€™s happening in the industry, trending design news, design processes in every company and some design best practices. We hope there was a lot of learning and a lot of fun for everyone.

๐Ÿ‘ Thanks to all attendees, to our Minitheory colleagues that helped facilitate! We canโ€™t wait to host the next Dribbble Meetup on January 2017, hopefully with more people, lightning talks, and even contests!

p.s. if you or your company would like to co-host, sponsor future Dribbble meetups, do get in touch with us!

Minitheory is a digital design studio based in sunny Singapore with a particular focus on UI and UX design. We make software simple, based on how people think and behave.



Pizza Yap๐Ÿ•
Minitheory Design

Product Designer in DesignOps at Grab Singapore | Design System | Writer | Design Tools Reviewer | Maker