Support Marriage Equality for Taiwan in Melbourne

Jenna Lin
Minor Point
Published in
11 min readDec 10, 2016


I am in Melbourne. I support Taiwan to legalize same-sex marriage.


My family is discussing the same-sex marriage issue over a month. However, I am in Melbourne. My brother is in Reims, France. My father is in China. There is only my mother and two dogs in Taiwan.
It is sad that we can’t attend to the Saturday parade by ourselves.

1207 週三早上,看著大家揪團參與 1210 的遊行,突然間覺得,如果我無法親自參與,那我又能做些什麼?

On 0712 Wednesday morning, an idea came out that if I can’t attend in person, what else can I do?


I asked my housemate that where can I buy an LGBT flag in Melbourne? I want to take some photos in different places and send it back to Taiwan for my friend to show my support.


However, I found out there is already an event for oversea Taiwanese, so I made the print out files for my family.



Moreover, I made my version.

彩虹階梯的圖來自 Kelvin Lin 分享在 FB 上的封面相片圖,已取得他本人授權使用這個概念。

The illustration idea was inspired by Kelvin Lin.


Because I do not have the legal font to use, I illustrate the word “婚姻平權.”

向量繪製 蒙納超剛黑 字體




因為很喜歡 New York Times 這篇新聞最後的結語,所以一開始寫成超長的:

I support Taiwan to become another nation to recognize that love is love, regardless of sexual orientation.

主要是覺得如果只寫 marriage equality,感覺沒有直接解釋到宗旨,比較像是一個標題。

後來詢問了在國外工作的朋友,他建議我可以直接用 Same-Sex Marriage ,這樣外國人一看就懂了。


I support the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan.


I am in Melbourne. I support Taiwan to legalize same-sex marriage.


花了一個早上的時間做完標語,到市區的輸出店輸出了A4彩印(一張 AUD 0.75 ,折合新台幣18元一張),然後發現墨爾本買個雙面膠都要 AUD 6 塊起跳(一條台幣150 元起),跑了兩間文具店,最後才想到市中心有日本大創,買到兩塊多澳幣的雙面膠,晚上回家立馬加工貼在紙板上。

咖啡廳 / 咖啡街 / 塗鴉街 / 塗鴉街 / 夏日夜市

隔天 1208 便開始去市區走景點。


On 08 Dec. I went to different place to take photos.

1208 週四晚間剛好是 UX Design 年末的大聚會,當天下午帶著板子去了不同點,晚上直接參加聚會。社交對才剛來一個月的我來說其實還是滿困難的,但是後來有朋友建議我可以用這個議題當切入點,所以我就用這塊板子,嘗試去打入不同的圈圈。


At night, I joined a UX Design meet up — UX 2016 Wrap Up Drinks.
I shared the same-sex marriage issue that happens in Taiwan right now. And asked them if they agree with this topic, could they take the photo with me to show the support for my friends in Taiwan?




I am grateful for everyone took the pictures and shared their point of view in this issues with me.

Thank you! My new friends in Melbourne.


Another story about joins the public issue.



My mother asked my brother and me if we want to move back to Taiwan after saw this article.


My little brother as a third-years oversea student, he said “Eventually, I want to. However, if I can earn the salary as Australian standard and spend that money on Taiwan’s commodity price will be better. (LoL)”


I answered my mom “Totally not.”


For me, although we will miss the chances to attend to public activities that happening in our country, we still can do different things to support the beliefs.


However, I believe he said that “the island loves you.” When you out there, try to use the second language to communicate every day. It is happiness that you can find someone to talk in your mother tongue. People love to be in a group in common.


Taiwan has an awkward international position. I always think if everyone stay in Taiwan, who has the responsibility to go out and let more people know about us?


Maybe study abroad is my personal dream that I want to challenge myself.


However, I also have an ideal. Instead of complaining about our country, we should just go out to see the world. Try to talk our story about Taiwan. Let them know where we are. What kind of issues we have.


When you start communicating, you will find out every country has their problems.


No matter where we are, we still work this together!

My handwriting.


I will keep updating the newest photos:

Love Wins for Taiwan :)



Jenna Lin
Minor Point

A Senior UX/UI Designer with a product mindset. 🖋 A Calligrapher 12 Nov 2015. 🐾 I am always reaching up to my very best.