Crafting the Perfect Sunday Routine

Your Sunday Routine can be the key to a calm and productive week. It can allow you to feel relaxed, and ready!

Anum Hashim
Blooming Notes


Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

Sunday Scaries, Sunday Blues, whatever you call them, are a real thing! I used to absolutely HATE Sundays, especially, when I worked in an office!


It mostly had to do with my job and the environment. Every week, I dreaded Mondays the most. Waking up to go into the office, making small talk, rushing to get things done, especially those tasks that I didn’t think added any value.

So I found small ways that made it all bearable. I tried to create a structure for the week, and even on the weekends.

I started to notice, that I enjoyed the structure of my Sunday routine.

It gave me a sense of calm before the storm of the week to come. I usually felt that the beginning of the week was a lot smoother than when it would be without my Sunday routine.

Why you need a Sunday Routine?



Anum Hashim
Blooming Notes

Finance professional / CPA on a break from corporate life. I write about money, productivity and life as a content creator.