Imene Smaoui
Mint IT
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2020


I’m a UI/UX designer. I had this problem, where the gradient didn't show up when exporting the file from AE to JSON and Html files using Bodymovin. I couldn't make the changes in the json files since I don't have knowledge in the development field. I tried what was recommended by everybody in the internet having the same issue(selecting RGB option, changing language…) but it didn’t work. So I proceeded with those steps.

1- The after effect version that I was using was in french, so I changed it to english.

This is the exported image

Still didn’t work, because it turns out that if the project is in french the first time, changing AE language won't affect the layer's names.

2- Changed all the word related to the colored shapes from french to english (example Dégradé 1 > Gradient fill 1 ...), and I did the same for the shape’s name that were filled with gradient color ( Tracé d’ellipse 1> Ellipse 1 ...)

Still didn’t work, so I tried to move the layers. Because here, I was having some layers that showed the gradient and others didn’t which is strange.

Here the gradient colors started to show

When I did so the colors were there, so

3- I started to look at the layer all over again and I found layers that were named ‘’Fusionner les tracés 1'’ So I deleted them.

4- Then I found Guide Layers ( repères de composition) so I deleted them (example here tree_3 and tree_4 layes)

I saved all and finally I had the final product and it worked!!

The final product

