Announcing our AffiliateDirect Winners

Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2023

Beginning of this year, we launched a new innovation: The first (that we know of) on-chain AffiliateDirect program. At the core, anyone can boost NFT sales by earning an affiliate fee — without ever talking to Mintbase or the creator of the NFT. These transactions are all transparent and on chain, thus decentralized.


Our vision is that there will exist many NFT marketplaces, focussed on all sorts of niche use cases like ticketing, image licensing, retail products and basically anything that can be sold online.

Affiliate marketing, where influencers often work with sellers on centralized platforms like Amazon and Shopify to earn a commission through tapping into their communities, is a staple of the internet. In web2.0, individuals increasingly have become publishers.

Web3 and NFT Affiliate Marketing accelerates this trend helping influencers to work with sellers directly-without signing up for affiliate promotions. They earn commissions immediately and all earnings are recorded transparently on-chain. AffiliateDirect introduces a new paradigm offering an alternative to the walled gardened by centralized players.

Great AffiliateDirect Race

To play around with our new feature, we launched a competition with prizes for 2 winners: One with the highest sales volume and the other with the most creative AffiliateDirect use.

As can be seen per leaderboard, MetaMeech won the volume track by earning 1.15 NEAR in affiliate fees through 8 sales. MetaMeech built a website where Meta displayed the AffiliateDirect links of the NFTs that he wanted to sell.

The creative track was won by Tradeport. They integrated AffiliateDirect sales into their NFT aggregator.✨

Reach out to us if you have any comments or ideas on our NFT #AffiliateDirect.

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