Build on NEARCON NFT Tickets Today

Nate Geier
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2022
NEARCON Lisbon NFT Tickets

Who is Mintbase to say what’s the best way to view and buy an NFT? One of NFTs' killer features is that any other platform or developer does not need Mintbase or NEAR Foundation’s permission to list and sell in their own way.

It’s our job at Mintbase to make it easier. This is just the beginning and designs are getting better by the day.

Buy on 3XR

We believe that, in the future, ordering a pizza in VR will kick off delivery to our doors, but ticketing is a good first step and a neat experiment. Link to Ticket in VR

Buy on Mintickt

A fancier way to display and buy NFTs from Mintbase contracts. Link to ticket on Mintickt.

Buy on Gorilla Shops

A CMS for any of the 1,200+ stores deployed on Mintbase. Buy on NEARCON’s Gorilla Shops Store.

Gated Clubeeo Telegram Group!

Once you own the General Admissions NFT ticket, you can join the gated Clubeeo Telegram Group.

And of Course: Buy on Mintbase

The NEAR Foundation will also be issuing out Speaker, Sponsor, and Press passes from the same Mintbase Store.

All of these transactions are trackable from the contract nearcon2.mintbase1.near on NearBlocks.

Nothing is perfect yet, but we hope this goes to show that the future is not just going to be about one single market, but rather open for developers and entrepreneurs to build their own niche markets rapidly.

Learn, build, repeat

How to Build off NEARCON Ticket Using Mintbase Developer Tools

If you are a developer, check out our examples to see how you can interact with the tickets. You can deploy test market in minutes.

Why NFT Tickets?


I own my ticket, and I can do with it what I want: Send it to a friend for a birthday present, auction or simply sell it off on any secondary market that uses the NEP 171 standard, share several with influencers so they can give them away in creative ways — the sky is the limit.


Anyone can interact with these assets. You don’t need permission from Mintbase or the NEAR Foundation to interact with the tickets. Create a game and use them as memberships to give users access to secret maps or tools, or build a quadratic voting app that only NEARCON holders can vote on.

We are here to say, we are not the best interface, but we have the tools for you to build your own. We want NFT tickets listed on all sorts of platforms, being bought in VR, niche ticking markets, Shopify-like ecosystems, you name it, anyone can list it.


Know that these are permanent lego blocks that will stand the test of time. As long as Arweave and NEAR keep running, you don’t have to bet that Mintbase is GMI. Startups die all the time, but now that we are building in the most decentralized way we can, enabling others to start to trust that those NFTs wills stay that way until we are grey sitting on the porch yelling at the hoverboard kids to get off your space turf.

This is how cities get built: we need foundations, we need to know that that brick will stay a brick. This is also a key to solving fraud. No matter what platform, you’re good to go as long as you know the source contract you are interacting with: nearcon2.mintbase1.near.

We know what contract it was minted from, we know the minter's account, the provenance, so the ticket can get released into the chain and any market and pick it up and sell it the best way they can.

Building on NEARCON tickets? Talk to us and we’ll push to get you more involved.

Website | Linktree | Twitter | Telegram | Dev Telegram

Author: Nate Geier | Cofounder | Twitter

