Introducing Our First Store Of The Week: Fashion Interrupted

Regina Nogueira
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2021


We know this may sound cliché, but our community means the world to us: we want to see people build and collaborate through our technology. And this is why are starting a blog series about all the wonderful projects on Mintbase.

We decided to kick things off with Fashion Interrupted, a collective that just launched their first digital collection at the Scotland Re:Design festival. Interested in innovation and fashion? This one is for you.

Last Sunday, we had the pleasure to be at Scotland Re:Design festival for the presentation of the “Layers Unseen” digital collection, launched — and available for purchase — on Mintbase.

This is a part of Fashion Interrupted’s plan to create immersive art and fashion residencies with a strong focus on creative expression and digital technology. They see Fashion NFTs as a way to introduce a new-to-blockchain crowd to the minting process and to start a conversation about fashion, newness, and our impact on the environment.

Digital producers Ciorstaidh Monk, Emma Clifton and Gillian Martin partnered with three designers — Zephyr Liddell, Shanagh Marie and Hayley McSporran — and one makeup artist — MV Brown — to bring these garments to life.

They started by creating the 3D models and minting them as NFTs. Then, Liam Fogerty came into play to help with his Augmented Reality expertise. Yes, that’s right. Go to their Twitter account, scan the QR code and a true fashion show will come to life right in your living room (or wherever you are in the world right now!)

McSporran’s dress in both the digital and physical worlds

For now, most of the designs exist only in the digital universe but Hayley McSporran’s dress also has a counterpart in the physical realm. You can purchase the dress NFT for 12 NEAR, and the actual piece for £159.

For future launches, the idea is to let buyers redeem the NFT for the physical item. This is possible due to Mintbase’s redeeming feature, which enables NFTs to be exchanged for goods or services in the real world. Learn more about redeemable NFTs use cases on these blogs about what we did at NEARCon and our partnership with restaurants & shops in Lisbon.

Why Mintbase?

Fashion Interrupted chose Mintbase because our platform empowers their team — new to NFTs and blockchain — to venture into the space through our super easy-to-use technology.

Minting is as easy as one, two, three: one can deploy a smart contract — a store — in just three clicks. A 3D virtual gallery for the store is also created automatically. Explore FashionInterrupted’s collection up close by jumping onto their 3XR gallery here.

The process is also smooth for buyers. At the event launch, the Fashion Interrupted team onboarded +30 people with a Mintbase account and a NEAR wallet. This is possible because of how intuitive it is for people to engage with our tools for the first time.

Our Split Revenue and Royalty Feature is another reason why Fashion Interrupted picked Mintbase: it allows for the instant distribution of the proceeds of sales. Whenever a dress is purchased, the designers, digital producers and makeup artists are paid instantly on-chain. If a piece is resold, creators will receive royalties for every subsequent sale.

Last but not least, sustainability. For Fashion Interrupted, it was important to open the door to new possibilities but to do so with ecologically sound partners.

Mintbase is built on NEAR, a carbon-neutral blockchain that uses Proof of Stake (POS) technology. POS is a consensus mechanism used to validate cryptocurrency transactions — holders can stake their coins, checking new blocks of transactions and adding them to the blockchain.

Unlike Proof of Work (POW), the first consensus mechanism developed for crypto, POS doesn’t require validators to all solve complex equations. This means it is a much more eco-friendly way to verify transactions: NEAR is 200,000 times more carbon efficient than Bitcoin.

To offset any carbon emissions and be truly carbon-neutral, NEAR also started a partnership with global climate solutions provider South Pole Global, having reforestation projects in Colombia, Zimbabwe and the United States.

Check out Fashion Interrupted’s showreel below, made in partnership with design studio Clubhouse Paradiso.

