Luis brings VR expertise to Mintbase

Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2021


Luis aka microchipgnu

Please welcome our new addition to the team- Luís Freitas. Luís is joining our team in Lisbon. He is a fullstack software engineer who is deeply rooted in the VR space. Luís expertise lays in XR (VR/AR) and decentralized web (web3, digital assets and blockchain). In fact, he developed his own game (Arrows) with a friend that got over 30,000 downloads.

At Mintbase, Luís will be focussing mainly on our front end, but also explore the role of NFTs in virtual worlds which will be the next iteration of digital assets.

Luís enjoys building immersive experiences and built an app where math equations can be solved with hands.

Luís holds a B.S. and M.S in Computer Engineering at Técnico Lisboa and studied abroad at Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan — KTH (Stockholm, Sweden) and Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) where he has had a fair bit of life changing experiences.

We are super excited to have Luís on board and feel that we can learn a a lot from each other. You can find out more about Luís on twitter, Github, Linkedin or his website.

