What’s new on Mintbase: April 2023

Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2023


  • ChatGPT experiments
  • BOS building
  • Updated docs
  • UI changes

ChatGPT experiments

We’re all about supporting builders who experiment with new technologies using our tech stack. This month Peter Salomonsen built a neat ChatGPT pixel art experiment using Mintbase’s tools. Try it out here and find the explanation video below.

BOS building

Mintbase is focused on developing key components for the future of NFTs via the Near Protocol BOS system. Devs can embed components in dApps to boost functionality and usability.

The Marketplace component is an essential building block for NFT-based dApps. This customizable widget allows developers to integrate a fully functional NFT marketplace into their projects. Check this out.

The Collection Selector component displays a gallery of NFT images owned by a specific account. With InfiniteScroll library this component can be integrated into a wide range of dApps, from digital galleries to gaming platforms.

The List To Market component is designed to streamline the process of listing multiple NFTs for sale in a single action. This makes it easy for users to list and sell their NFTs.

More information can be found in this article.

Updated Docs

We improved and updated our documentation for builders and no-code creators.

UI changes

Our UI has undergone a facelift. Amongst new categories, we added a new navbar to manage the NFT creation and deployment process. Check out our new site, feedback on our channels are welcomed.

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