What’s new on Mintbase: July 2023

Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2023


  • NFTs on ChatGPT
  • Grants Program Wrap
  • Tech Updates

NFTs on ChatGPT

July was all about shipping ChatGPT NFT integrations. The team went to Paris to showcase how account abstraction on NEAR can supercharge minting NFTs via AI. Watch Nate Geier’s talk here:

In Paris, Luís Freitas won the Augment hackathon for incorporating GPT’s capabilities on the Bos! Illia Polosukhin tweeted a nice shout out:

Towards the end of the month, two Mintbase plugins got approved on Chat GPT-6 (OpenAI). This allows users to search and mint NFTs without owning a NEAR wallet. The plugin is live on testnet: https://chat.openai.com/share/88760137-9007-4251-be11-01a6c3aad688

This also leaked 💧

Grants Program Wrap

Mintbase Grants Program S1 concluded with our Demo Day. Check what projects have been building here:

Tech Updates

Our email notifications are now back up and running. To receive emails on sales, add your email under user settings and customize what info you want to receive.

We optimized our Search tool so that stores, users and NFTs can be easily found.

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