What’s new on Mintbase: May 2023

Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2023


  • Payments
  • Audits
  • UI updates
  • Demoday


A major step towards mass adoption of NFTs is allowing credit card payments. Thanks to the implementation of a stripe integration Mintbase stores can now purchase NFTs in over 135 currencies, including ApplePay, AliPay and Google Pay. Add CC payments to your store by filling out this form.

On top of that, we also launched USDC and USDT payments, making it super easy to sell and buy NFTs at a stable price. This makes the NEAR NFT ecosystem more viable for utility usecases.


Our contracts on NEAR Team are officially audited by Ottersec, making Mintbase a trusted NFT infrastructure provider. Developers can now feel safe building NFT marketplaces on an audited codebase. Read the full report here.

UI updates

Our team has been working hard on improving our NFT management experience. The changes can be seen here:

For developers, we launched the mendable AI chat powered search tool making it so much easier to find information on our documentation. You can try the tool on the Mintbase Build section.


We are excited to showcase the NEAR ecosystem builders together with NEAR Horizon & NEARDevHub on June 28th. What to expect:

  • Learn how to get funded
  • Discover open source tools
  • Connect with a thriving developer community

You can attend virtually or in real life in our Lisbon office.

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