What’s new on Mintbase: November 2023

Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2023


  • Open Stripe
  • Mintbase Wallet Launch
  • Internal Hackathon
  • Mintbase Grants

Open Stripe

This month, we opened up our Stripe access for all of our users. After connecting your wallet to Mintbase, just go to <Manage>, then click <Stripe Connect>.

Mintbase Wallet Launch

We officially launched our Mintbase Wallet during NEARCON. The aim of our Wallet is to make crypto onboarding ridiculously easy for non- crypto natives. Go to https://wallet.mintbase.xyz/ to experience the gasless, seedphrase-less easy to use wallet.

Thanks to our new Wallet, we rose up in the ranks of Dappradar.

More on our activations during NEARCON here.

Internal Hackathon

After NEARCON, our team did an internal hackathon to leverage our technologies, dive into our infrastructure and validate our documentation.
Here’s a short wrap of the different projects that our engineers worked on:

Till worked on stripe2near, a project where you can include stripe into your NFT checkout with a single HTTP request. The user pays with credit card, but the seller receives crypto.

Rui Santiago worked on Blogchain, a decentralized writer’s blog. Blogchain allows users to create blogs as smart contracts and posts as NFTs.
Here is the github link and the preview link can be found here.

Luís Freitas created AI Chat, a minimal chat example that explores the concept of a unified AI API (Mintbase AI Router) and the use of Mintbase Credits for paying for AI chat completions. Check it out here.

Allen and Ruben worked on an AI image generator that lets you mint images instantly as NFTs. Find the link here.

Mintbase Grants

We are actively reviewing Grant applications. If you are a strong technical project, please apply via the github link below.

Have Dev Questions?

Ask in our dev telegram channel.

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