Announcing Mintgate V4

Our Vision for Empowering Creation and Community.

Luis Fernando
4 min readDec 12, 2022


As blockchain technology becomes more widely adopted, it’s likely that we’ll see the use of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) become more common. NFTs are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain and can represent a wide range of things, from digital art and collectibles to virtual real estate and in-game items. We aren’t there yet, but the fact of the matter is, getting there is almost inevitable.

So why not right now?

Sustainability of Independent Creation in Web3

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re already participating actively in the web3 space. That means you’re also familiar with Discord. It’s difficult to say why most web2 users don’t like Discord without knowing more about their specific experiences and preferences.

However, there are a few glaring reasons why some people might not enjoy using Discord from first-hand experience.

  1. Discord can be overwhelming for new users due to its many features and functions, leading to difficulty in understanding how to use the platform.
  2. Discord can be noisy and cluttered, making it difficult for users to find relevant information and limiting their ability to interact in large communities.
  3. Discord can be intimidating for new users due to its use by experienced or dedicated members, which can limit their participation and interaction with others.

Overall, these factors can make the experience of using Discord less enjoyable for new users, which can limit their ability to interact with others in the community. There must be a better way for communities to thrive!?

Time to go beyond the Discord, where community content isn’t just consumed, it’s experienced. Enter MintGate V4!

Where We Started

Mintgate, known for token-gating services and unlockable NFT content, is excited to announce the release of V4. This update includes several new features that focus on NFT character driven interactions and private, community centered forum channels. These features enhance the user experience and provide even more ways for NFT community members to connect and engage with each other within the platform.

One of the key features of Mintgate has always been token-gating as a way to provide access to premium content and services. NFT holders have always been able to unlock exclusive videos, music & other media, participate in special events, and access other premium features.

Token-gating provided a way for users to selectively access and engage with content and services within each NFT community, and offer rewards for those who actively participated and contributed. This created a dynamic and engaging user experience, where community members could choose what content and services they wanted to access and earn rewards for their efforts.

Where We’re Headed

NFT Character Driven Interactions

At the heart of Mintgate V4 is the concept of character driven interactions. Rather than simply using their own identities, users are encouraged to use their unique and expressive NFTs to represent themselves within the platform. Anyone holding multiple NFTs from a collection can choose their favorite to represent them when engaging with the community.

In practice, these characters can be used in various interactions within the platform, such as messaging and commenting on posts. This allows users to express themselves more fully and creatively, and creates a more engaging and immersive experience that brings your NFT to life. A chance to be your NFT!

Private, community centered forum channels

In addition to promoting character driven interactions, Mintgate also places a strong emphasis on creating private, community centered forum channels. These channels are intended to be exclusive, tight-knit communities within the larger social network, where NFT community members can discuss specific topics, share content, and build relationships with each other who share their interests.

These forum channels provide a more intimate and focused space for discussion, compared to the broader and potentially overwhelming nature of the main social network. As an extension, these channels provide an opportunity for users to connect with others on a deeper level and form meaningful connections. In addition to private channels, Mintgate will also support public channels to encourage discoverability between NFT communities.


In conclusion, Mintgate V4 will strive to support the platform’s philosophy of character driven interactions and private, community centered forum channels. With the new features included in this release, NFT communities have even more opportunities to express themselves and connect with others in meaningful ways. We invite you to try out Mintgate V4 and experience the enhanced character driven interactions and private forum channels for yourself.



Luis Fernando

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