Announcing MintGate’s Widget

David Tomu
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2021

Create exclusive access to your content, on your own platform, by integrating our token gated system.

Currently, it’s possible to integrate MintGate through public API calls, deep links (auto-filling of token gating setup form), and now, our widget component libraries.

We created a simple React drop-in widget of our token-gated form that anyone can embed on their site. Once it’s added, users can create a token gated link without ever leaving your site.

Creators, collective DAOs, or any community can use their tokens as a key mechanism to gate exclusive access to live streams, inside data, videos, pre-released songs, and more.

How to Add it

  1. Your site must be built with React. We plan to offer widgets/APIs for any site built on any tech stack soon.
  2. Log into the MintGate Site:
  3. Go to or and click on the Get Token Keys button.
  4. You will need to copy your Widget Token.
  5. Go to our widget component library on NPM.
  6. Follow the instructions to add the widget to your React app.

Uses of it

For your own token, whether it is an ERC-20 or an NFT, you can create token gated access for:

  • Tiered proposals within a DAO, so only members of a certain tier can access to vote
  • Tokenized games with unlockable areas, events, or items for any token
  • Access to live streams
  • NFT redemptions for physical items, like exclusive drops or limited items
  • Metaverse access for a specific parcel in Cryptovoxels
  • Video content or downloadable files
  • API endpoints exclusive to your community of token holders

We hope you have fun integrating our first widget! For more information, review our developer site, check out our docs and drop in our Discord if you have any questions.

