Community Update 4/18/22

Jennifer Tran
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2022

MintGate 3.0 is here! We’ve launched our new website. You can now mint instantly, and your collectors can purchase your membership passes using a credit card.

New Website

Check out our new website — — all with new 3D animations, the ultimate MintGate storyline, and all.

Our new, reinvigorated site tells how you can use token gating to build powerful NFT memberships.

Instant Minting

Remember the one-click minting that we mentioned a few weeks ago? Well, it’s now here!

When you mint on MintGate, you’ll be able to mint and place the NFT on sale instantly. No waiting. No multiple wallet signatures.

Check it out today here.

Purchase NFTs with a Credit Card

Don’t have crypto in your wallet? Working with non-native web3 users? Well, we’ve got you covered now that anyone can sign into the platform with an email and purchase NFTs on MintGate with a credit card.



Jennifer Tran

Developer Relations at DFINITY. Talks mostly startup struggles and code.