Project Update: A New Frontier

Luis Fernando
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2023
Large, old ship sailing in the sunset

Vasco da Gama: Innovator. Ferdinand Magellan: Visionary. Christopher Columbus: Disruptor.

The history of successful enterprise can be traced back to a time when it was unrecognizable to what it’s become today. But at its core, nothing has changed.

Just as da Gama pioneered a new sea route to India, founders innovate by finding new solutions or markets. Magellan audaciously circumnavigated the Earth despite the unknown immensity of the challenge. Columbus set out for one goal, to find a route to Asia, but ended up disrupting the known world by encountering the Americas; perhaps the most successful pivot in history. All made possible by the powers of the time that believed and supported them to bring to fruition a more prosperous tomorrow.

When Mintgate first unfurled its vision, the primary goal was simple, yet innovative: add unparalleled value and utility to creators through tokens, creating a unique digital ecosystem that empowers both creators and consumers. As we stand at a crossroads today, poised to set sail into a new direction of content utility, it’s vital to recognize our roots, appreciate the voyage behind us, and navigate with purpose towards the horizon ahead.

Our beginnings as DFAME were marked by a burning passion to harness the power of blockchain for content creators and disrupt the existing platform models. With our recent Mintgate V4, our aspiration crystallized, bringing token-gating services and unlockable blockchain content to the fore. The focus was clear: enhance content utility, creating vibrant digital communities and intimate spaces for authentic interactions.

Yet, with innovation come real market and political challenges to realize a vision. The blockchain landscape rapidly evolved, and so did the expectations and behaviors of our target audience. Despite bolstering our offerings with Mintgate V3 and V4, user adoption still didn’t align with our projections. Key feedback revealed a preference for freely accessible promotional content by creators and a longing for high discoverability platforms by non-crypto users.

Moreover, external factors, such as the SEC’s tightened grip on the crypto realm, coupled with my unexpected health setback, posed hurdles. Nonetheless, each challenge offered a lesson, a unique perspective, reshaping our vision and fortifying our commitment to adapt and innovate.

The winds of the crypto realm are ever-shifting, and we have realized that our original concept of token-gating needs reevaluation. The proliferation of AI-generated content signals a new golden era in digital content, one that cannot be ignored. As we reduce operations temporarily, our sights are set on harnessing new technologies that enable rich media interaction, redefining our value proposition, and aligning with the evolving digital landscape.

As we adapt, our ethos remains unchanged: to create unparalleled value and utility in the digital world. From our token-gated beginnings, we are always putting our community at the heart of our endeavors. Watch out for part two as we embark on this exciting new chapter, backed by our invaluable learnings, unwavering spirit of innovation, and your steadfast support as we continue to reach for a more prosperous today.



Luis Fernando

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