Introducing DFAME

David Tomu
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2020

DFAME enables creators, brands, artists, or influencers to turn their community into an economy. Cool, but what does that mean? Let’s start from the beginning.

Social media users spend over 2 hours per day networking between different social apps. And now you might be thinking why are you introducing me to another platform, why should I care about DFAME?

You be the judge. Does this sound familiar? If so, you may also relate to some of the other problems we’ve identified👀

As a result of how mainstream social media apps are designed, creators and users care more about social status than economic incentives. Mostly because the economic incentive is little (for creators) or nothing (for users). And let’s be honest, a creator doesn’t own the content built on those platforms.

When it comes to monetization, creators can’t easily raise funds until they’ve hit 10’s or 100’s of thousands of subscribers, and it’s hard to discover new creators with a small audience on large platforms (even if they’re producing high-quality content).

Generating revenue from ads or sponsorships doesn’t create new value for your followers. What if subscribers could be more than followers, what if they could have a stake in the creator’s value?

That’s why DFAME matters.

DFAME is built for you to be more than just a follower, to create something separate and unique than typical social content, and to earn money on terms no other platform supports.

Every digital interaction, all your content, and any product you sell is unique and enables the economic growth of your community. You can interact with your subscribers, your followers, your community, on an entirely different level than ever before, and make your digital content your own.

Our model ✨

Users join in by owning the community’s token, which gives them access to media content as well as the ability to collaborate within the community. Collaboration within the community can include creating extended content related to the community’s niche or providing some other value beneficial to the community.

What if you don’t own any social token as $ALEX (Alex Masmej) or $JAMM (Brian Flynn)? No worries, we have a Uniswap exchange provided by Roll with all their creator’s tokens integrated into DFAME 🔥

Are you a creator? Why not launch your own token and build your community on DFAME? Seriously.. why not? We want to know any concerns you might have that we’ve missed so we can do better by you. DM us on Twitter or join us on Discord.

On DFAME you become your own network where tokens represent the value of your content based on your community’s demand for it. The larger the community, the greater the value of the community’s token. And as the value increases, each member is more incentivized to grow the community in a healthy and positive way to increase their share.

So what would you create on DFAME?

Join us at!

