MintGate adds IPFS Support!

Luis Fernando
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2021
IPFS logo

Earlier this week , we were excited to see that the browser Brave just launched built-in support for IPFS! Here’s why it’s a big deal and why we’re taking a page from their book.

In case you don’t already know, IPFS is short for InterPlanetary File System (and yes it works between planets.) The internet you’re used to runs mostly on HTTP, which is great because the internet has been working pretty well on it for the last 30 years.

IPFS is like an upgrade compared to the internet you know because it gives you more freedom and control as a user. If you upload something to IPFS, no one can remove it. It exists and is available as long as you want or need it to be. This is valuable if you have something important to say that governments or corporations might otherwise censor because they disagree. It gives you as an individual more autonomy on the internet, which is always a good thing.

In that spirit, and after being inspired by Brave’s move towards supporting a more decentralized internet, we’ve added support for all IPFS links on our platform!

This means you can upload your videos, blogs, articles, and websites all on IPFS, so no one can take it down, then token gate it with MintGate. By gating access to your content with a token, you give that token value to the people who appreciate your content most.

As more people come to appreciate your art, music, writing, or any other content, they’ll be motivated to buy your token to view it, which rewards your fans who believed in you early on as the token grows in demand and price. This way you can share your success with your greatest supporters.

This is all uncharted territory, but it’s headed in a direction that promotes more individual freedom and autonomy on the internet. We believe this is a critical feature to support the long-term health of a positive, open, digital world.

How to Token Gate IPFS Links

  1. Upload file to IPFS. Pinata is the fastest service to do this easily.
  2. Copy the hash (like QmUnNjjAwUwFBViz2Rr58NekXGghLAAW5Qusy6NhWPTu4q) and add the protocol in front ipfs://QmUnNjjAwUwFBViz2Rr58NekXGghLAAW5Qusy6NhWPTu4q
  3. Paste the ipfs://QmUnNjjAwUwFBViz2Rr58NekXGghLAAW5Qusy6NhWPTu4q link into the MintGate form and select your token. Click submit and now you have a link with token protected IPFS content!



Luis Fernando

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