MintGate and Gate Tokens

David Tomu
Published in
5 min readJan 7, 2021

Here’s the deal, straight to the point, no fluff, no bloat. DFAME is officially rebranding to MintGate. This rebrand isn’t just in the name either. With it comes a whole new platform, a way to gate content even if you don’t have a token, and a way for you to test drive a token before officially minting it on the blockchain.

There’s a good bit to unpack here, but it’s totally related to the problems you’ve shared with us so far. We launched Token Protected Pages, TPP, a couple of months ago and have seen some exciting activity from several creator communities. We learned from some feedback that its application could grow immensely since it can be used to token gate any digital content. But we found one major limiting factor: you need a token to gate content.

Initially, we thought it would be enough to token gate content with someone else’s token that you want to support. But after talking to different people who tried TPP, we learned that was not the case. They want their own token to protect their own content.

But that wouldn’t be enough because they’re worried about regulatory issues related to having a blockchain-based token. So we built something to solve both these challenges.

And what we built is such an important piece of the greater ecosystem we’re developing that we need a new name to reflect that.

We’re proud to introduce MintGate and Gate Tokens, our solutions to those challenges.

MintGate is a platform designed to make token protecting content easier and accessible to anyone.

If you already have a social token or any other blockchain-based asset, Token Protected Pages will continue to work as before. You’ll just notice a sleeker, dare I say, sexier UI, a new token option to protect your links with, and a whole new platform to explore at your leisure.

New User Flow

If you don’t have already a token to protect your content with, you just need to log in to Twitter at with one click and find the create token page:

After you’ve created your token, celebrate! And you can head to your token dashboard or immediately start sending tokens to Twitter followers.

Your token dashboard is where you can get a bird’s eye view of your token’s distribution, current supply, holders, and recent activity.

You can also send or deduct tokens from any Twitter account here. That’s right! No wallets required. Just copy someone’s Twitter handle and send them however many tokens you want. They don’t even have to be logged into the platform for this to work, but if they do they’ll be able to see their balances.

And you read that first part correctly, you can send and deduct tokens from a holder’s account. This gives you the most flexibility to test your own token economy with a changing supply and number of holders you have full control over.

If you only want someone to have temporary access to some content, you can send them your token and then deduct it later. If someone’s being a negative influence in your community, you can easily remove them by deducting their whole balance.

Since you’re probably wondering, this is all 100% gas-free. There are no transaction fees when using Gate tokens on MintGate.

After creating some tokens, you can use them with the updated Token Protected Pages to protect your content just like you would with any other crypto asset. Then just send the tokens to the Twitter accounts you want to grant access to and share your link anywhere.

If someone without tokens clicks the link, they’ll be sent to a page that redirects them to your Twitter account to learn how they can earn some from you to join your community.

Full Transparency

Gate tokens are not blockchain-based tokens [EDIT 10/25/21: we now lazily mint all tokens on chain!]. This is by design to give you the most flexibility when testing your token economy on a larger ecosystem like Twitter, and we plan to add support for other platforms too. This comes with the added benefit that you do not need to worry about regulatory issues with these tokens because they are not investible assets that can be freely traded on the blockchain.

That said, we will be building a system that gives you the option to mint your Gate tokens onto the blockchain. So after you’ve tested what it’s like having a token, overcome any regulatory concerns, and think this could be even better with a real marketplace supported on the blockchain, you’ll be free to upgrade to the real deal. Hopefully, gas costs aren’t as big a concern by then, but we’re already thinking about some L2s to help with that even if they are.

An open market for your personal value.

Thank You!

We really want to give a big thank you to everyone who’s been with us up to this point! We really appreciate your support and look forward to growing alongside you by creating more tools to support your token and your content your way. If you’ve only just heard about us, but are interested in what we do or how we can help you, join us on Discord; we basically live there.

We’re also expanding our scope in token protecting content with increased privacy and security, but token protecting any digital content on the internet is not a one size fits all solution, so we urge you to contact us at to find the best, personalized solution for your needs!

