MintGate Jam — 8/21/21

Jonathan Dunlap
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2021

We’ve launched a new site — We’ve made it even more beautiful and simple, all in spirit of the amazing support that we’ve received in the last couple of months. Check it out at

Platform Updates

👀 A newly improved site!

We’ve made it more clear and simple to show off and try out MintGate.

Now you can go to to learn all about our product and then click on Launch App to get started with minting and token gating content right away.

Also, we’ve made it easier for new fans to discover you through a profile discovery and activity feeds (divided into NFTs and token gated links)!

Profile Discovery:

Activity Feed:

Even more wild…..

Anyone can now mint, buy, and sell NFTs directly on MintGate (NFTs will still also be listed on Rarible)! Buy a couple of NFTs on our platform today!

Show off your storefront to your fans today:

Community Updates

More Rarible Protocol integration! We continue to support the Rarible Protocol integration launch — this week, Jonathan headlined a Twitter Space AMA with Alex Salnikov, Head of Product at Rarible, Eric Arsenault, Head of Community at Rarible DAO, and CocoNFT, an up-and-coming NFT project.

With our first integration with Unlock Protocol complete, we also demoed our integration at the Unlock Protocol Contributors call this week! With this partnership, our vision is to provide our community with more robust token gating features. We’ll share the recording as soon as possible!

Missed our community call? We demoed the landing page and how minting works, as well as announced some crazy upcoming updates.

If you have any questions, email us at or join our Discord here.

Community Asks

Are you a musician who’s passionate about web3? We’re looking for musicians to speak about web3 and/or mint token gated NFTs for our music NFT campaign for the Inflow_Music x MintGate web3 music conference. Inquire at



Jonathan Dunlap

♥’s disruptive innovation, philosophy, meditation, tabletop games, Reactive architectures, blockchains