MintGate V3: The Clicks Keep Coming

Luis Fernando
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2022

New direction, new journey, new MintGate… V3 has arrived.

We announced the biggest shift in MintGate’s history during yesterday’s Twitter Space. And with it comes the most robust, versatile tools to promote content creation and support those who make it.

We’ve already rolled out the first of these features, Promoter Payouts, which gives you an opportunity to reward your audience for promoting your work. Share your success with your biggest supporters by devoting a percentage of your sales to the people who helped carry you from start to end.

On top of that warm slice of pie, we’ve also added…

  • credit card support for NFT purchases
  • limitless video, audio, PDF, and image uploads
  • ticketing support for live event sales
  • in-app crypto purchases of MATIC, ETH, BTC, and USDC
  • a fully updated UI design to simplify the entire creation and sales experience

That’s right! This baby’s a la mode! We’ll soon be adding…

  • USDC pricing for all sales. (So you don’t need to change your price because MATIC mooned too hard.)
  • For promoters, we’ll be adding an option to get paid out in fiat directly to their bank account instead of crypto.
  • Building on that, we plan to add a fiat off-ramp for all users to convert crypto to fiat in-app.
  • More collaborative features to enable uploads for fan art and other community content.
  • Avatar badges that include tiered access and exclusive feature releases for the limited number of early holders.
  • And, long term, will be support for AR and VR so that you can host your unlockable content or event in the metaverse.

As you can tell, we got a few plans.. and we may have a few other ideas brewing in the coffee pot. But while we love announcing features as much as any other project, we also want to explain why we changed focus from token gating to content crowdfunding.

We’ll be releasing a new series that dives deeper into MintGate’s lore and origin story, but here’s the preview:

We had some immediate interest in token gating, but it never saw a critical mass in usage and it was very challenging to monetize, especially after it had been offered for free for so long. It also didn’t help that the market who wanted token gating for external content is a small percent of crypto creators, which is already a small percent of the creator ecosystem. We realized this tool alone would not be sufficient to truly benefit creators who need visibility, better ways to monetize, and a more direct connection with their audience to build a community.

This combined with our experiences working closely with creators and brands led us to the decision to remove support for token gating with third-party tokens and instead refocus on the biggest needs brought to us.

For more details about these specific events and more, let that notification bell sing as we release it to you chapter by chapter. And get ready to gather round y’all, it’s story time…



Luis Fernando

Fueling financial comebacks with crypto 🚀🌙 Turning crypto confusion into clear opportunities by making crypto simple. Let's change someone's life today. 💸