NFTs: The New Way to Collaborate with Creators and Brands

Jennifer Tran
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2022

In the modern digital age, creators and communities are often closed-off. Standard company structures disincentives collaboration with outside creators and communities. If creators do collaborate, creators must manually track and payout payments to collaborators. Fan acquisition often means bloody algorithm wars that force creators to curate content based on a set of code rules, not on creativity. Content distribution methods mostly require creators to provide their content for free and leads little incentive for fans to pay.

Collaboration in the modern digital age is clearly broken and open to the very few who can get top-notched support from their own agencies. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) enable a new way where people can collaborate in a more transparent, fair, and efficient manner.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital certificates that represent content. Any interaction with NFTs is recorded in an immutable database named the blockchain.

Payment Efficiencies and Transparency

NFTs allow for multiple payment and royalty recipients with full transparency. This enables creators to collaborate with other creators and communities, without any extra effort.

Upon creating an NFT, you can add multiple wallet addresses or blockchain account numbers to the NFT to receive payments and royalties for the first and future sales of the NFT. Upon a sale, the blockchain will automatically distribute payments based on the initial setup of the NFT.

Since each sale data is stored on the blockchain, you can easily track the allocation of payments.

At MintGate, we can manually set up NFTs with multiple payment recipients. If you are looking to get collaborative NFTs set up, please email

In addition, we support updating the payment recipient of an NFT to any wallet address. On MintGate, go to My Items:, then to your NFT page, and click on Add New Sales Address:

Therefore, as an alternative, you can update the payment address to a multi-sig wallet or account (such as Gnosis SAFE) which can be owned by multiple people.


In addition to splitting payments, you can create exclusive, invite-only creation clubs.

On MintGate, you can create a collaborative NFT storefront where only invited users can create an NFT. If you have your own smart contract or collection set up, you can receive a royalty percentage from all creations on the whitelabel.

You can go to to update your MintGate profile or whitelabel to be collaborative, add collaborators by username, and model what you can earn as a NFT storefront creator.

Creators can develop the next schools of culture where the main creator is the patronage of the arts. Imagine, an NFT storefront creator who financially supports collaborator creators and receive a small royalty percentage from creators they have endowed.

Fan Acquisition

At MintGate, we’re building sponsorship NFTs, the next-generation of content creation by combining crowdfunding and super fandom.

Superfans can compete to receive rewards through purchasing pre-sale NFTs and creating content for an NFT creator. The top 10 superfans based on their reward points will receive payments and royalties from the creator’s next NFT sale.

Here is a sneak preview:

Our ETA for launch is Friday, June 17, 2022 and join our Discord to receive the announcement of launch!



Jennifer Tran

Developer Relations at DFINITY. Talks mostly startup struggles and code.