Referral Pool Payments on MintGate

Luis Fernando
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2022

Another week, another feature. And it’s a big one.

For the last several months, we’ve been working closely with many different creators, projects, and brands to launch membership access white labels. In other words, a new way for you, creator, to produce your content, collaborate with your community, and sell it to your audience.

One thing we’ve noticed consistently across all projects is that everyone needs help with that last part. So we’ve built a new way for anyone to bootstrap the marketing and sales of their content with our latest feature, Referral Pool Payments.

Referral Pool Payments on MintGate is a whole new way for projects to fund their productions while also rewarding their biggest supporters by allowing them to earn alongside them. Imagine crowdfunding plus affiliate rewards.

As a creator, you can set aside a percentage of your total sales and the that amount will be distributed among the top three referrers to your sale every week. The more people they refer who buy an access pass, the more of the pot they earn.

This allows you to crowdfund for your project while you’re still creating it. All the while anyone will be earn along with you by sharing your white label with others.

Every week starts fresh so you may end up finding more people than you think who want to help you grow. This is the earliest and easiest way for any new project or creator to onboard potential partners as they grow their brand by sharing the success of their early growth.

Set Up Steps

By going to your Platform Settings, you’ll be able to name and create your new collection of content passes and then set the amount you want to set aside as a reward for you top supporters.

That’s it! Once you save your settings, a percentage of your sales will automatically be pooled and distributed to your top three referrers every Friday.

Referrers will be able to generate a link to share to your white label by visiting the project page and scrolling to the bottom. This is also where someone can buy access to your content or access it if they already hold a pass.


A new way to crowdfund meets a new way to reward your audience so they can share in your success as a creator.

Bootstrap your brand’s growth by sharing in its success with anyone who wants to help promote you. By setting aside a percentage of funds from your crowdfund, you can reward the people who helped you the most in any given week of raising. Find your earliest supporters and potential partners right at the start and blow up faster than ever!

Stick around for more. We’ll be building more ways to reward your community and supporters, in addition to more ways to connect with them over the coming months.




Luis Fernando

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