Mintlayer Community Node Series

Where we take time to showcase the Node Operators of our Community!

Jean-Marc Griffith
6 min readApr 12, 2024


Our community interviews are open and honest conversations, which may include tips and feedback with fun stories; and personal experiences from within our ecosystem and the wider crypto space.

Disclaimer: Please note that none of the views shared during this interview, are to be interpreted as financial advice. All views expressed are shared for information purposes only.

What to expect

We often talk a lot about the Mintlayer ecosystem and our advantages for Bitcoin’s development; so we’ve decided to open up the floor to our node operators.

This series is an opportunity for everyone to learn from their approach to running a Mintlayer node, mindset and experience.

In this interview we chat with BossTechy , one of our Telegram Community members.

Today, BossTechy has the floor and speaks from his own point of view.

Hello and welcome BossTechy! Please, tell us a little about yourself.

BossTechy: Hello to the Community. I am currently based in the West Africa region and am very passionate about technology and the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies. As part of my day-to-day life, I am involved in writing, gaming and also exploring innovative solutions within the crypto space.

Why did you get into crypto?

BossTechy: I ventured into the crypto sphere back in early 2016. Initially, I was drawn in by an encounter with Swisscoin and though it started with a less than ideal introduction, it sparked my curiosity about the broader world of cryptocurrencies. Over time, I’ve found much success primarily through investment and trading within the crypto space.

As for my involvement with nodes, this marks my inaugural experience, representing an exciting opportunity to expand my engagement and deepen my understanding of the underlying infrastructure.

How did you first find out about Mintlayer?

BossTechy: My first encounter with Mintlayer came through a venture capitalist network in which I was able to participate during their private sales. The insights and opportunities provided by that network, also exposed me to the innovative capabilities and potential of Mintlayer within the crypto landscape. This introduction piqued my interest and prompted a further exploration into Mintlayer’s technology, roadmap, and its unique value proposition in the market.

“What truly stands out to me, is Mintlayer’s commitment to scalability, interoperability, and security…”

What is your overall view of Mintlayer and its Community?

BossTechy: My perspective on Mintlayer and its community is one of admiration, mainly for its robust technological framework and the vibrant ecosystem it fosters. What truly stands out to me, is Mintlayer’s commitment to scalability, interoperability, and security while also addressing some of the fundamental challenges within the blockchain realm.

Additionally, the community’s dedication to this innovation and collaboration reflects a collective passion for driving the crypto space forward. The transparency and active engagement exhibited by Mintlayer in involving its community in the decision-making processes are commendable; creating an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives contribute to the project’s evolution.

Why did you decide to run your own Mintlayer Testnet-Node?

BossTechy: Initially, the prospect of incentives for node operators is what caught my attention and motivated my decision to run a Mintlayer node on the testnet. However, as I delved deeper into the process, I discovered a compelling aspect beyond the incentives as engaging with the node operation proved increasingly intriguing, fostering a growing confidence in what I could expect when transitioning to the mainnet. The experience I’ve gained is not only rewarding but also provides invaluable insights and a solid foundation, instilling a sense of readiness for my involvement on the mainnet.

What has been your experience operating the Node?

BossTechy: Operating the Mintlayer node was a rewarding learning curve. Setting things up demanded meticulous attention to the system requirements, and an understanding of how to optimize the performance so the node operates as intended.

Throughout the process, I gathered invaluable tips, like adjusting specific settings, and leaned heavily on the supportive community and available documentation for guidance. Despite the challenges, the experience was enriching, providing insights and expertise crucial for future operations.

Do you intend to continue exploring Mintlayer’s ecosystem?

BossTechy: Absolutely! Being active on Mainnet aligns with my commitment to further engage with Mintlayer’s ecosystem and leverage the experience gained from the testnet to support the project’s evolution in a more impactful manner.

I’m very much inclined to run a node on Mintlayer’s Mainnet. That aspect is exciting as it signifies the transition to real-world operations, offering an opportunity to contribute actively to the network’s growth and stability.

Which channel delivers the best Mintlayer support to you?

BossTechy: I would definitely have to say Telegram for me

Are there any other aspects of Mintlayer’s roadmap that you are really excited about?

BossTechy: Now that Mainnet is live, I’m particularly excited about Mintlayer’s Basic Atomic Swap System. This innovation holds immense potential to streamline and enhance decentralized exchanges, offering a seamless and secure trading experience for users.

Keeping an eye on Mintlayer’s developments in terms of partnerships, regulatory advancements, and any upcoming events also remains a source of excitement, as these elements are pivotal in shaping the project’s trajectory and broader adoption within the entire crypto space.

Any messages, tips or tools you’d like to share with the community?

Absolutely, my message to the community would be to stay engaged and curious. Exploring various tools and staying updated on the latest developments within the crypto space is crucial.

Always aim to embrace a learning mindset and actively participate in discussions, forums, or events, as it not only enriches individual knowledge, but also contributes to the collective growth of the community as a whole.

Any closing thoughts or ideas to share with the Mintlayer team?

I believe facilitating accessible and comprehensive educational resources would greatly benefit the community, especially newcomers to Mintlayer. Providing detailed guides, tutorials, or workshops could aid in simplifying the node setup process and encourage broader participation.

Additionally, enhancing communication channels and fostering more interactive engagement opportunities, like AMAs or developer meetups, could further strengthen the bond between the team and the community.

Overall, prioritizing educational initiatives and bolstering community interaction could significantly contribute to Mintlayer’s growth and adoption over the long term.

Interview ends.

Thank you BossTechy, for sharing your story and thoughts about Mintlayer

Interview ends

About Mintlayer

Mintlayer is a Bitcoin layer 2 sidechain, that enables developers to build a decentralized financial ecosystem without straining the Bitcoin Network. Mintlayer unlocks Bitcoin to Decentralized Finance, Real World Asset Tokenization, Smart Contracts, Atomic Swaps, NFTs, and dApps.

Mintlayer enables native Bitcoin use within DeFi applications by using Atomic Swaps which negates the need for wrapped tokens. Mintlayer’s unique approach introduces unprecedented security, removing the need for intermediaries and complex mechanisms such as peg-in, wrapped, or federated tokens. This eliminates counterparty risk, reduces friction and provides true token interoperability

Mintlayer’s Mojito wallet is a BTC wallet with extended functionalities.

We give developers the tools to build on Bitcoin and user’s the ability to achieve more with their BTC!!

To find out more about Mintlayer, check out the links below:

Website TwitterTelegramDiscordGitHub



Jean-Marc Griffith

Every action in our lives, touches a chord that will vibrate into eternity...