The NFT Strategic Playbook Part III: Building Creative

The Mint Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2022

Only After You’ve Done Your Strategy Homework Can You Create Your NFT and Blockchain Portfolio

With brand marketing, advertising, and content strategy, we know that working on Creative is the “fun” part. It’s where you let your mind loose and conjure up the coolest brand activations. This remains the case with Web3 and blockchain experiences. And we want you to go for it — think big! However, it’ll help if you build some structure around your creative ideation process.

That’s why we’ve outlined the methodology in our NFT Marketing Playbook.

In this article, we’ll go over suggested steps for determining your creative NFT material. Inspire, attract, engage, and educate consumers with thoughtful and exciting work.

NFTs Can Be Extremely Creative

We’d argue that NFTs are amongst the most creative marketing tools currently available. The ability of blockchain and web3 to be customized in many ways allows for huge possibilities in what you create. Innovative organizations are coming up with novel uses every day, ranging from RMDS creating the first science-based NFT marketplace to AI NFTs you can talk to. We especially love the original Bud Light N3XT tokens that continue to open up new utility for holders in their new projects. If you need more examples of brands exploring NFTs, read Ad Age’s continuously updated list of the latest campaigns. ​​

Bud Light N3XT #3328

Determining Your Creative

Go through the following steps to help create your NFT experiences.

NFT Design

This isn’t a quick decision. In fact, one of the first things audiences witness is the look and experience of your NFTs. That’s why they need to be something that captivates your audience and makes them curious. This is where you’ll want to get together with some creative writers, designers, and directors to make something memorable.

That being said, don’t get caught in the trap of worrying about if you’re extremely unique. As we’ve mentioned, NFTs can be as simple and practical as a concert ticket. While standing out is important, it’s best to start with what resonates with your audience and also what’s useful — if your NFT is serving as a utility.

The Superfly SUPERF3ST holders get access to concerts, festivals, art experiences, and more.

Once you have a vision, ask yourself what format you’ll use. For example, Mint can support images and videos. That opens up the gates for a broader range of creativity.

Drop Architecture

Once you’ve determined your amazing NFT design and format, the next step is to build your drop strategy. In other words, how will you release your NFT? Here are some other questions to answer in this phase:

  • How many NFTs will you release? Will they be limited-release or broad?
  • Do you release them all at once or in stages?
  • Are there tiers of rarity?

All of these questions will be crucial to an impactful, creative launch. The way you distribute your NFTs will also be important. You can get creative with marketing by having giveaways, partnering with content creators, or leveraging social to spread the news. So, make it fun and part of the experience.

Fashion designer Philipp Plein has entered the NFT space.


Your ecosystem is the playground where your customers live. It’s also the backend of how your architecture is governed. It falls under creative because it’s a large part of the consumer experience. If you have an ecosystem that fosters exploration, curiosity, and excitement, people are more likely to remember you.

Normally, you’d have unique landing pages that accompany any marketing campaign. NFTs are no different; you need somewhere to point people and have them explore within your brand.

In the ecommerce context of NFTs, you need a storefront that can serve these purposes. A good storefront is your chance to shine. While many services offer templates for storefronts, end-to-end NFT-oriented ecosystems, like those offered by Mint, can create bespoke experience all within your branding that can entice visitors.

The Mint white-label ecosystem provides an end-to-end canvas for NFT creativity.

Don’t neglect the customized platform aspect of your NFT plans as a chance to build interest.


Because NFTs can be visual, auditory, or more, it’s important that you always ensure your creative falls within legal guidelines. You don’t want to fall within a copyright conundrum when you’re already underway. Be sure to consult your counsel to check you’re not infringing on any intellectual property rights, securities law, data hosting issues, or more.

Creative can be the most fun part of your NFT experience, but it also should be the more tempered. Ideas can run rampant, so it’s key to build a process and stick to it. Following the steps above can help you map out the purpose and look of your NFTs so your campaigns are as effective as possible.

To learn more about how the Mint platform works, or to see it in action, visit the website and get in touch. Or, visit the Mint blog for more information on web3 and NFTs.



The Mint Blog

Mint simplifies the experience for brands to sell NFTs, launch branded marketplaces, and provide seamless transactions, interactions, & utility for collectors.