Chenrezig, Tibetan Bodhisattva of Compassion

Michael Roy
Minute Mythology
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2020
Thousand-armed Avalokiteśvara.

Chenrezig is both the protector of Tibet and the founding father of the Tibetan people. He is the pure embodiment of compassion and falls under the category of a “bodhisattva,” which has two primary meanings (depending on the school of thought). Bodhisattva can refer to one who is dedicated to becoming a Buddha (and has received confirmation from a living Buddha) or one who refrains from reaching nirvana in order to aid other sentient beings.
As the story goes, the Buddha Amitabha created Chenrezig as a response to the suffering of sentient beings. Chenrezig saw the suffering of those around him and vowed to stay until he could bring peace to everyone. He gave bodies to the miserable beings and taught them Buddhist wisdom, but began to despair from the sheer magnitude of suffering around him. His despair ran deep, and he attempted to reach out to so many people that his arms eventually broke into countless pieces.
Amitabha recreated Chenrezig with 1,000 arms and an eye in each palm. Still overwhelmed by the task, Chenrezig wept, and his tears formed a lake with lotus flowers. When the flowers opened, it was revealed they held the goddess Tara. In some versions of Tibetan belief, Tara births six children (with Chenrezig) who go on to populate all of Tibet.
It’s said that whenever someone feels compassion toward another — or feels the love of another directed at oneself — they are experiencing a taste of their connection with Chenrezig.

*****My debut sci-fi/mythology novel — The Gods Who Chose Us — is available! *****

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Michael Roy
Minute Mythology

Data scientist. Creator of Minute Mythology account. Sci-fi author ( Father. Husband.