Minute Snippet #10

August 26th, 2018

Julian Mirijello
Minute Snippet
1 min readAug 26, 2018


Photo by Mike Bowman on Unsplash

The players run the field in an uncoordinated mess. My naive eyes try to comprehend the nature of their motions, but the relentless heat is overwhelming and distracts me… An air horn brings my attention back to the field. A player has caught the ball and is sprinting full force towards the opponents end-zone. Cheers sound from both sides of the field. One to tackle. One to run. The player spins, dodges, and jukes until — TOUCHDOWN!

Minute Snippet is a personal series that challenges me to write everyday. I take a small moment in my day, significant or not, and describe it in a minute or less. If you enjoyed today’s Minute Snippet please leave a 👏 and subscribe for more!

