Minute Snippet #11

August 28th, 2018

Julian Mirijello
Minute Snippet
1 min readAug 28, 2018


Photo by J A N U P R A S A D on Unsplash

I slip into the 900 degrees oven that has become my car. My back sinks into the burning leather of the drivers seat — an involuntary wince appears on my face. The air in the car is hot and thick, sending me into a wave of nausea. I hurry to fire up the engine but that’s no use; the AC air is even hotter. I open up my window and gasp for the outside air. It use to feel so hot but is now its’s like an arctic breeze has entered my lungs. It’s funny how your perspective changes on things. Something that was once an enemy has become a friend – in the face of another, more powerful enemy. That’s enough philosophy from me, I’m late.

Minute Snippet is a personal series that challenges me to write everyday. I take a small moment in my day, significant or not, and describe it in a minute or less. If you enjoyed today’s Minute Snippet please leave a 👏 and subscribe for more!

