Minute Snippet #5

August 9th, 2018

Julian Mirijello
Minute Snippet
1 min readAug 10, 2018


Photo by Harry Knight on Unsplash

Like a hawk prowling for prey, I scan the water with a purpose. My eyes move along it’s surface, taking note of each mother, father, and baby.

A splash here. A splash there.

The comforting smell of chlorine is fresh in my nose. It keeps me focused, despite the mechanical laughter that fills the pool. Across from me, a child is running on deck; a fellow lifeguard blows his whistle before I can. The child skirts to a halt and continues with a brisk walk. All is safe.

Minute Snippet is a personal series that challenges me to write everyday. I take a small moment in my day, significant or not, and describe it in a minute or less. If you enjoyed today’s Minute Snippet please leave a 👏 and subscribe for more!

