Two prizes for Abbey Road Studios’ Topline app at UK App Awards 2018!

Natalia Woszczek
Miquido News
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2018

Topline app got two prizes during the ceremony of UK App Awards 2018. The innovative solution developed by Miquido for Abbey Road Studios was named “Music App of The Year” and honoured for the best UX and design.

Dom Drońska (Senior Digital Manager at Abbey Road) and Krzysztof Gudowski (Business Developer at Miquido) on the stage of UK App Awards 2018.

How the idea of Topline got live

The aim of Abbey Road Studios was to create an intuitive and user-friendly app entirely adjusted to the needs of musicians. The common struggle of music creators was lack of opportunity to capture their concepts. Topline solution enables artists to catch their ideas on the fly and save them wherever they are.

“Topline is our answer to the most pressing challenges of creators. It helps them through the most vibrant moment of their creative process — the initial idea moment. Just consider how many good songs are remaining trapped forever in voice notes, old notepads or dictaphones. With Topline we can unlock that genius.”- says Dom Dronska, Senior Digital Manager at Abbey Road Studios.

Miquido, responsible for Topline’s development, had managed to create a technological breakthrough, overcoming the audio latency issues on Android. The team crafted the native iOS app and its version in Flutter framework — the newest open-source mobile SDK by Google. The latter solution was appreciated and officially featured during Google I/O in May 2018.

Breakthrough technology for the sake of music

Topline is the first app designed precisely for (and by) songwriters and the first mobile app by the famous Abbey Road Studios. The breakthrough recording solution addresses latency issues on mobile and offers a simple, intuitive UX/UI.

“The audio in the app was, obviously, the highest priority, but we also wanted the design to give the smoothest user experience possible. It needed to be simple and neat, intuitive, user-friendly and efficient — to give its users quick access to their songs and make the recording process as simple as possible” — says Izabela Kierzek, Topline’s Project Manager at Miquido.

Topline app provides seamless UX and gorgeous design.

So far, the solution has been recognised and highly valued by the music industry thanks to distribution platforms like Spinnup or Ditto. The winner of UK App Awards 2018 is free and available on Google Play and App Store.

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Natalia Woszczek
Miquido News

Content Marketing Whizz, Plain Language Enthusiast, Blogger.