Container Networking and Opening Container Ports

Eric Gregory
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2022

One of the biggest challenges for implementing cloud native technologies is learning the fundamentals — especially when you need to fit your learning into a busy schedule.

In this series, we’ll break down core cloud native concepts, challenges, and best practices into short, manageable exercises and explainers, so you can learn five minutes at a time. These lessons assume a basic familiarity with the Linux command line and a Unix-like operating system — beyond that, you don’t need any special preparation to get started.

Last time, we containerized an application with persistent storage, giving us an essential ingredient for building complex applications. Now that we can create more powerful and complicated apps inside our containers, it’s time to explore how we can make those apps accessible to the outside world.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a Container?
  2. Creating, Observing, and Deleting Containers
  3. Build Image from Dockerfile
  4. Using an Image Registry
  5. Volumes and Persistent Storage
  6. Container Networking and Opening Container Ports ←You are here

Isolated but accessible

By design, containers are systems of isolation — but we typically don’t want the functionality of an application to be walled off. We want our apps to be isolated but accessible to outside requests.

So far, when we’ve wished to interact with the contents of a container, we’ve either started an interactive shell session to work inside the container itself, or we’ve observed output that Docker has passed from the container to the terminal. Unfortunately, these methods won’t be very helpful for web applications with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) accessed through the web browser.

Besides, we’d like to do more than send information to the host machine — we want our apps to be able to interact with the outside world! That means we need to understand container networking.

What is container networking? Fundamentals explained.

Container networking is the system by which containers are assigned unique addresses and routes through which they may send and receive information. Containerized applications may need to communicate with…

  • One another (container-to-container)
  • The host machine
  • Requests from outside the host machine

In each case, many of the fundamental concepts are the same. First, Docker assigns each container an Internet Protocol (IP) address — if we want to find the IP address for a container, we can use the command:

docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container name/ID>

With the inspect command, we’re asking Docker for information—stored in a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) array—about a container instance.

The --format argument helps us specify particular details we would like to retrieve: in this case, the IP address. By default, Docker starts out using a range of addresses beginning 172.17.0… If you inspect a running container, you will likely find an address such as:

Containers’ IP addresses are created on a local subnet. That means initially, the assigned IP addresses will only “make sense” to one another: you can’t access them — using those addresses, at least — from another machine or even the host machine.

We can take a high-level look at the Docker network environment using the docker network ls command. Our output will look something like this:

NETWORK ID     NAME              DRIVER    SCOPE
099f55813274 bridge bridge local
e9c31cf63c20 host host local
eb6d55a56ee3 none null local

We should find multiple networks here. The host network and none network are part of the Docker network stack — machinery that makes Docker run, but that we won’t interact with directly. The bridge network, however, is where the action happens: this is the container network where our container IP addresses are located by default. The bridge network — sometimes called the docker0 bridge — is configurable and, most importantly for our purposes, it’s the container network where our applications live.

Wait — I want to create my own container network!

Docker enables you to create highly configurable networks for a range of use cases with the docker network create command—and indeed, user-defined networks are an essential tool. The default bridge network disables Domain Name System (DNS) service discovery—meaning containers on this network have to communicate with one another by their specific IP addresses rather than names. That has big implications for scalability. For the purposes of this lesson, we’ll be staying on the default bridge, but user-defined networks are the preferred method for connecting multi-container apps, and we’ll be exploring them shortly.

Web services running on a given container will send and receive information through a particular port inside the container. These ports — just like naval ports — are places where journeys begin and end. Ports are defined by a series of numbers appended (after a colon) to an IP address. The designation below would refer to port 8000 for a particular IP address:

Now let’s try observing this in practice — and taking it a step further.

Exercise: Port mapping

You can follow a version of the lesson’s exercise in the video below.

To follow the text-based tutorial, read the rest at the Mirantis blog.

