Technical Learning Curves: Not All Have Equal Value

John Jainschigg
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2022

Tech folks love to learn. This is a good thing. Climbing up steep learning curves is an absolute requirement for success in IT, DevOps, software development, and allied fields.

Of course, that’s true in other parts of the organization, as well. Business, Sales, and Marketing leaders don’t reach the C-suite unless they’re constantly learning. Once there, their impact strongly reflects their willingness to keep on digging deep.

But there are differences between Tech and Managerial approaches to learning.

In my experience, managerial learning tends to focus on business relevant issues. Leaders study how to communicate differentiating benefits better; how to build category dominance. They read about how to quantify business progress and improve business processes. The best surround themselves with smart and trusted counselors inside and outside the orgs they serve, and depend on these coaches to keep them focused, challenging them with new ideas and directions for learning.

Even when executives dip into theory, they tend to concentrate on what’s business-relevant: that is, unpacking business culture, or understanding macro-scale phenomena that influence business growth and survival. lt was a CEO, for example, who first pointed me in the direction of Nicholas Taleb’s explorations of disruption and resilience (“Black Swan,” “Antifragile,” and so on), and Daniel Kahneman’s work on modes of thinking (notably “Thinking Fast and Slow”) — all material I’ve used, over the past decade, to build better clouds and applications.

Technical learning should be results-focused, too. And sometimes it is. In fact, what’s arguably the most powerful mechanism for results-focus, category creation, business growth, and wealth creation of the late 20th/early 21st centuries emerged from tech: “commoditize your complements.” That’s shorthand for two things:

  • “Focus on what’s truly business-relevant and open up to let others do everything else.”
  • “Help make the things that you don’t do, and upon which you depend, as cheap as possible.”

The actual technique is much older; as old as the idea of standardized parts and supply chains (which dates back to the dawn of mechanized manufacturing). More recent poster children for “commoditize your complements” were IBM and Microsoft, whose open hardware architecture and non-exclusive OS licenses ushered in modern computing, with its vast ecosystem of competing software and hardware makers.

Software engineer and StackOverflow co-founder Joel Spolsky’s famous 2002 blog popularized the phrase, and Spolsky also used it to explain phenomena like “Why is IBM paying people to contribute to open source projects?” Answer: Because IBM was, at the time, repositioning as an IT consultancy, so their complements were software components. Ergo, they invested in helping other folks build and provide this software at low- or no cost.

These days, you see “commoditize your complements” at work everywhere in tech — not least in the flood of “rent, don’t own” SaaS solutions and cloud technologies we all use every day.

But failure modes remain

And yet … tech orgs often still fall into failure modes like “not manufactured here disease,” where engineers feel they can’t trust “outsiders” to deliver parts of a product or service.

This can lead to misallocation of time, effort, headspace, and headcount — as engineers study and train, and orgs hire and tool up to design, build, and manage parts of a solution stack (like OpenStack and/or Kubernetes) that are technically required for many use-cases, but (in all their details) not business-essential.

Especially with respect to complex cloud platforms, the line between “technically required” and “business essential” can seem blurry, even (maybe especially) to sophisticated experts.

Read the rest of this article on the Mirantis blog



John Jainschigg
Writer for

John Jainschigg is Director, Open Source Initiatives, at Mirantis.